Conversion formula how to transform 72 hours to days?

We know (by definition) that:1⁢hr≈0.041666667⁢d

We can collection up a ratio to fix for the number of days.

You are watching: How many days are in 72 hours


Now, we cross main point to settle for ours unknown x:




Conversion in the opposite direction

The inverse of the conversion factor is that 1 day is same to 0.333333333333333 times 72 hours.

It can likewise be express as: 72 hrs is same to 1 0.333333333333333 days.


An approximate numerical an outcome would be: seventy-two hrs is about zero days, or alternatively, a job is about zero suggest three 3 times seventy-two hours.

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Units involved

This is how the units in this conversion are defined:


"Midnight (or noon) ~ above a 12-hour analog clock one hour is a unit the time conventionally reckoned as 1⁄24 that a day and scientifically reckoned as 3,599–3,601 seconds, relying on conditions.The seasonal, temporal, or unequal hour was established in the ancient Near eastern as 1⁄12 that the night or daytime. Such hrs varied by season, latitude, and weather. It to be subsequently separated into 60 minutes, each of 60 seconds. That is East oriental equivalent to be the shi, which to be 1⁄12 that the evident solar day; a similar system to be eventually occurred in Europe which measured its same or equinoctial hour as 1⁄24 of together days measured from noon to noon. The minor variations of this unit were eventually smoothed by making the 1⁄24 of the median solar day, based upon the measure up of the suns transit along the celestial equator rather than follow me the ecliptic. This was finally abandoned as result of the boy slowing led to by the Earths tidal deceleration by the Moon.In the modern metric system, hrs are an welcomed unit that time same to 3,600 seconds yet an hour the Coordinated universal Time (UTC) may incorporate a confident or negative leap second, make it critical 3,599 or 3,601 seconds, in order to store it in ~ 0.9 secs of universal time, which is based upon measurements of the mean solar day at 0° longitude."

Wikipedia page of hours


"A day is a unit that time. In typical usage, it is one of two people an interval same to 24 hrs or daytime, the consecutive period of time during which the sun is over the horizon. The period of time during which the planet completes one rotation with respect come the sun is called a solar day. Several meanings of this global human concept are supplied according come context, need and convenience. In 1960, the second was redefined in regards to the orbital activity of the Earth, and also was designated the SI base unit of time. The unit of measure up day, redefined in 1960 as 86 400 SI seconds and symbolized d, is no an SI unit, but is embraced for use with SI. A civil day is typically 86 400 seconds, plus or minus a feasible leap second in Coordinated universal Time (UTC), and occasionally plus or minus one hour in those places that readjust from or to daylight conserving time."

Wikipedia page of days


<1> The precision is 15 far-ranging digits (fourteen number to the appropriate of the decimal point).