There room 240.42 miles from Saint Louis to Memphis in south direction and 283 mile (455.44 kilometers) by car, adhering to the I-55 S route.
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Saint Louis and also Memphis space 4 hrs 18 mins much apart, if you journey non-stop.
This is the fastest path from Saint Louis, MO come Memphis, TN. The halfway allude is Miner, MO.
Saint Louis, MO and Memphis, TN room in the same time zone (CDT). Current time in both areas is 7:45 am.
Any concerns or advice to share?
Share with fellow travellers any kind of question or tips about the path from Saint Louis, MO come Memphis, TN:
Gas Consumption and Emissions
A auto with a fuel performance of MPG will require 11.38 gallons that gas come cover the route in between Saint Louis, MO and Memphis, TN.
The estimated cost that gas to walk from Saint Louis to Memphis is $36.08.
During the route, one average car will release 222.99 pounds that CO2 to the atmosphere. The carbon footprint would be 0.79 pounds that CO2 every mile.
typical USA gas price offered for calculation is $3.17 per gallon of regular gas. Price last updated top top September 26, 2021.Best hotels In or near Memphis, TN
Do you have actually where come stay when you arrive to Memphis, TN? check out ours hotel recommendations:
Halfway allude Between Saint Louis, MO and also Memphis, TN
If you want to accomplish halfway in between Saint Louis, MO and also Memphis, TN or just make a stop in the center of your trip, the exact coordinates of the halfway suggest of this route are 36.907516 and also -89.538979, or 36º 54" 27.0576" N, 89º 32" 20.3244" W. This place is 141.70 miles away from Saint Louis, MO and Memphis, TN and also it would certainly take around 2 hrs 9 mins to reach the halfway point from both locations.
Closest City or town to Halfway Point
The closest city to the halfway suggest is Miner, MO, situated 143 miles indigenous Saint Louis, MO and 141 miles native Memphis, TN. It would certainly take 2 hours 9 mins to walk from Saint Louis come Miner and 2 hrs 12 mins to walk from Memphis come Miner.
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Weather in Saint Louis and Memphis
Compare the weather today and the next 4 days in Saint Louis, MO and Memphis, TN:
Saint Louis
Light rain next Sunday.
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