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You are watching: How do you spell fire truck

‘Fighting showed up to have actually subsided yesterday after many protesters donate off, setting fire to three vans, a police car, a fire truck and a television news valve in their path.’

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‘From the time I hear the sirens, to the moment the fire truck and also police cars and ambulance gained there seemed prefer a lifetime.’‘I remember walking home to watch a fire truck and also police dare zooming by.’‘We started to wonder whether he had even called the police in ~ all, yet after a couple of minutes a fire truck and also a police automobile showed up.’‘From the opposite lane, two ambulances, adhered to by a formation car and a fire truck, came roaring top top the scene, spraying snow everywhere.’‘As she walked ago to she car, two an ext police units and a fire van pulled up.’‘‘The fire truck and also the ambulances might not come in, since the road was blocked and also we had actually to go to run to find auto owners to acquire them to move,’ the uncle said.’‘At least four people have been hurt after a fire truck and also a auto collided in West Philadelphia.’‘It takes an hour for the fire truck or ambulance to get to her house.’‘They turned under a side road simply as a fire truck and also two ambulances sped previous them.’‘The interview was interrupted at times by the sound of a police car, fire van or ambulance screaming through on main Park South.’‘The lights of the ambulance, fire truck and police dare didn"t seem real to me.’‘The youngsters have a hilarious time, they gain to climb everywhere the fire truck, and play on the police motorcycles.’‘When the fire truck and several jeep-loads the police began showing up at 10.05 am, spectators overfilled the media and also began badgering officials because that news.’‘The angry yet peaceful crowd made that as much as the royal Cliff property"s front gate whereby they to be held back by more than 100 police and security officers and also a fire truck.’‘As quickly as the very first fire van was viewed coming towards the step of the accident, acting grenades to be deployed to give a reality appearance the smoke coming from under the vehicle.’‘But ns can"t have you riding roughly on a fire truck all day.’‘‘There friend go,’ the firefighter said and opened a door come the fire truck.’‘They"ve accused fire fighters of incompetence, alleging that once the first fire truck arrived at the school, it was carrying simply 200 litres of water.’‘Their giggles lasted only a couple of minutes that course, till a fire truck raced down the street and screeched to a halt, and also a bunch of males hopped out and also began dousing the flames.’