Renaissance artists arisen a new an approach in painting the fresco painting. The process of paint on wall surfaces was an extremely tricky and required a masterful elegant to execute it. Fresco is just one of the daunting art which compelled speed and accuracy. That is a technique of paint using the wet lime dough on the wall. Artists throughout that period add shade pigment mix with water onto a thin layer that wet plaster. The process of developing fresco through colors permitted it to lasts for centuries.

You are watching: How did renaissance art differ from earlier periods in terms of painting technique?

Answer from: bjbass899



Answer from: CoolRahim9090

B. Renaissance artists supplied oil trousers on dry wall.

Oil paints were widely embraced in north Europe in the first half of the fifteenth century, and also they go not become popular in Italy till late in the century.

Hope this helps!

Answer from: birdman37361

C. Renaissance artists supplied watercolours top top wet plaster.


Renaissance art varies from medieval workmanship from countless points that view. Renaissance arts indicates an ext noteworthy use of point of view and foreshortening. For this reason the artists provided watercolours on wet plaster.

Numerous craftsmen in addition started come play through the results of light, using such tactics as sfumato and chiaroscuro. Renaissance workmanship an in similar way demonstrates a an ext prominent intrigue failure depiction the the human being body and also the continuous world.

Renaissance workmanship gathered some significantly expressive decisions. It gift further emerged ideas that profundity and also shading.



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