My wife and also I watched Happy Gilmore the various other day and the whole time i waited for him to popular music in and also say it, yet it never happens. Ns vividly remember see him in it though yet it never ever happens!


Happy Gilmore it's the "you suck.. Girlfriend jackass" guy.. And yes, OP is thinking of the waterboy, collected until the finale "you can do it!! YOU have the right to DO IT every NIGHT LONG!"

I remember that from "Waterboy". I've viewed every Adam Sandler movie many, many times. "Wedding Singer" is by much my favorite. Anyways, "Waterboy" to be on TV last week and, in anticipation, after ~ Momma speak him she was faking sick and also everyone is outside the residence I remember rob Schneider's character saying, "You can do it, if you try!". Then again in ~ the end he says, "You can do it! all night long!". Which made it funny due to the fact that the an initial was encouraging him come go join the team and later come join his wife.

You are watching: Happy gilmore you can do it

My youngsters constantly say, "You can do it, if friend try!" Encouraging each other, jokingly. That scene isn't over there now. However idk if that was reduced for time because that TV or if it never existed. Now I'm walk to have to research. Dang it....

*THE waterboy.....apparently.......but im with you..although i perform recall the wedding singer gift the title of the one.

Yeah, why would certainly he? The "You have the right to do it" man debuted in The Waterboy. Happy Gilmore was made prior to The Waterboy. While plunder Schneider was able to say the popular line in movie made after ~ The Waterboy, the movie that character debuted in, he didn't have a time machine to go earlier and insert it right into movies made prior to The Waterboy. It's also not in Billy Madison.....because it as well was made before The Waterboy.

Its a pretty famed line and appearantly is claimed in lot of sandler movies. Never saw gilmore more than once myself so ns couldnt comment on this flick specifically, however i remember it from something. Google says multiple movies, yet hey who knows

Pretty certain it's in lot of movies. Played by Schneider in Sandler's movies and also by Sandler in Schneider's.

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The Mandela impact is a team of civilization realizing they remember things differently than is usually known to be fact.