An aluminum atom has actually an atomic number of 13 and a mass number of 27. A) How numerous protons room there in an atom the aluminum? b) How numerous neutrons space there in an atom the aluminum? c) How countless electrons are there in one atom the aluminum?

You are watching: For al, its atomic number is 13 and its mass number is 27. how many neutrons does it have?

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an aluminum atom has actually an atomic number of 13 and also a mass variety of 27. How numerous protons space there in an atom of aluminum?

Aluminum is one element. One aluminum atom is composed of a positively fee nucleus surrounding by a negatively fee electron cloud. Inside the nucleus space positively fee protons and neutral neutrons. Our very first question is, how plenty of protons room there in one atom that aluminum? as I’ve just said, those protons space to be discovered in the nucleus. The question has offered us 2 properties of one aluminum atom that could help: the atom number and also the massive number.

The atomic number of an atom is the number of protons in the nucleus of that atom. Because that this aluminum atom and indeed every aluminum atoms, the atomic number is equal to 13. Therefore, the variety of protons in one atom of aluminum is 13. I’ll just store away the value since it will come in handy later.

How numerous neutrons room there in one atom of aluminum?

just like protons, neutrons have the right to be uncovered in the cell core of the atom that aluminum. To answer this component of the question, we’re walk to require the massive number. The massive number is the variety of protons and also neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. For this details atom the aluminum, the massive number is 27. Therefore, in this specific atom that aluminum, the number of protons and also neutrons is 27. Therefore we have the right to calculate the variety of neutrons by acquisition the number of protons far from the variety of protons and also neutrons. Therefore, the variety of neutrons is equal to 27 protons and neutrons minus 13 protons, i m sorry we deserve to simplify to 27 minus 13 which provides us 14 neutrons. This is the same number us would acquire if us took far the atom number indigenous the massive number. So this particular atom that aluminum has actually 14 neutrons.

Now, top top the last part of this question.

How many electrons are there in an atom the aluminum?

The electron of one atom the aluminum have the right to be found in the space around its nucleus. In order come answer this question, we require three bits that information. The very first piece of details is that atoms in this context are neutral overall. Individual protons are stated to have a charge of confident one and also electrons are claimed to have actually a charge of an adverse one. Neutrons have actually no fee whatsoever. So we don’t need to include them in this part of the question. The all at once charge because that an atom or ion is always the total charge of the proton plus the full charge of the electrons.

In this case, we have actually 13 protons. So the fee of the proton is same to 13 multiply by the fee per proton hopeful one. The full charge that our electron is unknown because we don’t understand the number of electrons. But if we did, the total charge the electrons would be equal to the variety of electrons multiply by the charge per electron, negative one. In this case, we know that the all at once charge is equal to zero. Through a little bit of jiggling about, we can see that the variety of protons is same to the variety of electrons indigenous neutral particle. Therefore, for an atom the aluminum, there space 13 electrons inside it.

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for this reason we’ve demonstrated the for an aluminum atom which has the atomic variety of 13 and has a mass variety of 27, there are 13 protons, 14 neutrons, and 13 electrons.

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