2.5 Metals, metalloids and also non-metals (ESAAD)

The facets in the routine table can additionally be divided according to even if it is they room metals, metalloids or non-metals. The zigzag line separates every the facets that are metals from those that room non-metals. Steels are uncovered on the left of the line, and non-metals space those ~ above the right. Along the heat you find the metalloids. Girlfriend should notice that there are an ext metals climate non-metals. Metals, metalloids and also non-metals all have their own certain properties.


Figure 2.6: A streamlined diagram showing part of the regular table.

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Metals (ESAAE)

Examples of metals encompass copper (\(\textCu\)), zinc (\(\textZn\)), gold (\(\textAu\)), silver (\(\textAg\)), tin (\(\textSn\)) and also lead (\(\textPb\)). The complying with are several of the properties of metals:

Copper wire


Thermal conductors

Metals are great conductors the heat and also are as such used in food preparation utensils such as pots and pans.

Electrical conductors

Metals are an excellent conductors of electricity, and are as such used in electric conducting wires.

Shiny metallic lustre

Metals have a characteristics shiny appearance and are often used to make jewellery.

Malleable and also ductile

This method that they can be bent right into shape without breaking (malleable) and can be stretched into thin wires (ductile) such together copper.

Melting point

Metals usually have a high melting suggest and can therefore be provided to make cooking pots and also other tools that demands to become very hot, without being damaged.


Metals have actually a high density.

Magnetic properties

Only three key metals (iron, cobalt and nickel) room magnetic, the others are non-magnetic.

You deserve to see exactly how the nature of steels make them very useful in specific applications.

Looking in ~ metals

Collect a variety of metal items native your house or school. Some examples are listed below:

hair clips

safety pins

cooking pots



cutlery (knives, forks, spoons)

In teams of \(\text3\)–\(\text4\), combine your collection of steel objects.

What is the role of every of this objects?

Discuss why you think metal was provided to do each object. You should take into consideration the nature of metals when friend answer this question.


Non-metals (ESAAF)

In contrast to metals, non-metals are poor thermal conductors, good electrical insulators (meaning that they execute not conduct electric charge) and also are no malleable nor ductile. The non-metals include facets such as sulfur (\(\textS\)), phosphorus (\(\textP\)), nitrogen (\(\textN\)) and also oxygen (\(\textO\)).



Metalloids (ESAAG)

Metalloids or semi-metals have mostly non-metallic properties. Among their distinguishing features is that their conductivity increases as your temperature increases.

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This is the contrary of what happens in metals. This residential property is recognized as semi-conductance and also the products are dubbed semi-conductors. Semi-conductors are vital in digital electronics, such as computers. The metalloids include elements such together silicon (\(\textSi\)) and also germanium (\(\textGe\)).