The secretions of the adrenal medulla action to complement the results of ________. A) parasympathetic innervation B) sorry stimulation C) vagus nerve activity D) neurosecretory substances


You are watching: Control of temperature, endocrine activity, and thirst are functions associated with the

Preparing the body because that the ʺfight-or-flightʺ solution is the function of the ________. A) sorry nervous system B) cerebrum C) parasympathetic nervous system D) somatic nervous system


The parasympathetic nervous system is defined by peripheral ganglia usually near the ________. A) organs and also by quick postganglionic yarn B) organs and also by lengthy postganglionic yarn C) spinal cord and by short postganglionic yarn D) spinal cord and by lengthy postganglionic fibers


A drug that might be offered specifically to mitigate heart rate in cardiac patients can be ________. A) anticholinesterase B) epinephrine C) norepinephrine D) a beta-blocker


Cardiovascular impacts of the sympathetic department include all except ________. A) constriction of most blood ship B) dilation that the vessels serving the skeletal muscle C) increase of love rate and force D) dilation the the blood vessels serving the skin and also digestive viscera


The ʺresting and digestingʺ division of the autonomic nervous device is the ________. A) parasympathetic division B) sympathetic department C) somatic division D) peripheral worried system


Control the temperature, endocrine activity, and thirst room functions associated with the ________. A) medulla B) cerebellum C) hypothalamus D) thalamus


Which of this effectors is no directly managed by the autonomic worried system? A) smooth muscle B) cardiac muscle C) bones muscle D) most glands


Which that the adhering to is no a an outcome of parasympathetic stimulation? A) salivation B) dilation of the pupils C) boosted peristalsis the the cradle viscera D) elimination of urine


The website of origin of the preganglionic yarn of the parasympathetic nervous mechanism is the ________. A) thoracolumbar an ar of the spinal cord B) higher brain centers C) forgiveness chain D) brain stem and the sacral an ar of the spinal cord


The parasympathetic tone ________. A) avoids unnecessary heart deceleration B) accelerates activity of the digestive street C) identify normal activity of the urinary street D) causes blood push to rise


The autonomic nervous device ________. A) cannot be self-controlled B) has actually one primary department C) is not influenced by drugs D) is directly controlled by the reticular development of the brain stem


The white rami communicantes ________. A) are found only in the C1-T1 cord segment B) are unmyelinated C) lug preganglionic axons to the forgiveness chain D) lug postganglionic yarn to the periphery


Beta-blockers ________. A) rise a dangerously low heart price B) decrease love rate and blood pressure C) have widespread sympathetic results D) space potent antidepressants


Erection of the cock or clitoris ________. A) is mainly under sympathetic control B) is mainly under parasympathetic manage C) is the result of combination activation through both sympathetic and parasympathetic input D) depends very little on autonomic activation


Which is a uniquely sympathetic function? A) regulation the pupil dimension B) regulation that cardiac rate C) regulation of respiratory rate D) regulation of human body temperature


Raynaudʹs an illness ________. A) is identified by exaggerated vasoconstriction in the extremities B) is induced by warmth stress C) occurs primarily in association through injury to the spinal cord D) is frequently life-threatening


Autonomic dysreflexia ________. A) is also known together autonomic areflexia B) requires uncontrolled activation the autonomic neurons C) usually comes before spinal shock D) outcomes from overexcitatory input from the cortex


Sympathetic fibers leaving the spinal cord in the ________. A) craniosacral regions, and also the postganglionic fibers secrete norepinephrine B) thoracolumbar region, and also the postganglionic yarn secrete acetylcholine C) craniosacral region, and the postganglionic yarn secrete acetylcholine D) thoracolumbar region, and the postganglionic yarn secrete norepinephrine


Sympathetic department stimulation reasons ________. A) decreased blood glucose, raised GI peristalsis, and increased love rate and blood pressure B) increased blood glucose, raised GI peristalsis, and decreased heart rate and also blood pressure C) enhanced blood glucose, diminished GI peristalsis, and also increased heart rate and blood push D) diminished blood glucose, raised GI peristalsis, and also decreased heart rate and also blood pressure


Parasympathetic functions encompass ________. A) a stimulation of love rate and force of contraction B) allowing the human body to cope through an external threat C) lense accomodation because that close vision D) mobilizing storage energy sources


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All preganglionic axons that the autonomic nervous device release ________. A) dopamine B) serotonin C) the same transmitter as the just one exit by the forgiveness postganglionic axons D) the exact same transmitter together the one exit by parasympathetic postganglionic axons


Emotions influence autonomic reactions primarily through integration in the ________. A) lateral horn that the spinal cord B) hypothalamus C) lateral geniculate that the thalamus D) inferior colliculus