Question: a childhood friend of mine proclaimed that his daughter was born without tonsils. He proclaimed that it to be noticed as soon as his daughter complained that a ill throat. The doctor checked her throat declared that she had actually a neck infection and likewise informed the his daughter had no tonsils.According come my friend , his daughter never had actually them removed.He asked me if it to be possible. My response was that some world are born without details organs , limbs and that perhaps that his daughter fell in this classification for her tonsils. I also told him come ask his son "s physician if by opportunity that his daughter"s tonsils never completely developed. Is it possible to be born without tonsils?

You are watching: Can you be born without tonsils


quick Answer:everyone is born v tonsilsDetailed Answer:Thank you for contacting HCM through your health treatment questions.Your friend's daughter to be born v tonsils it simply maybe that her tonsils are an extremely small. Tonsils space made native lymphatic tissue and everyone has lymphatic organization to survive. She doctor may not have seen the tonsils as they have been very tiny and concealed behind various other tissues.I hope i answered her question. Please call us again if you any kind of further concerns


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