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Uses: It is a ingredient of object use, which has an active ingredient that incorporates ingredients such together gentamicin, Betamethasone and clotrimazole, which successfully act together recuperators the the epidermis, mostly affected in situations of wake up such as anti-inflammatory and also Antibacterial.

You are watching: Betametasona clotrimazol gentamicina para que sirve

The Gelmicin Cream works mainly to counteract those skin conditions such as minor cuts, Burns, some as a result of friction, and also sunburn resulted in by the sun. That is also reliably suggested for the treatment and also prevention the Diaper rashes Or those eruptions that occur from rubbing v the urine and also diaper in babies.

Ingredients:This topical medicine is a dermatological agent v a composition of Betamethasone, Gentamicin and Clotrimazole. The presence of clotrimazole in the composition gives a solid antifungal and antibiotic effect, the Gentamicin gives anti-inflammatory therapy of the affected skin, the Betamethasone helps treating the itching, redness, dryness, scaling, inflammation and discomfort of miscellaneous skin conditions.

How come apply: for each 100gramos the cream we will discover 0.05 grams the betamethasone, 0.10 grams of gentamicin and 1.00 grams the clotrimazole, add to 100 grams that excipients.

Warnings and also Precautions:Don’t useGermicinCream if you have any type of of the following conditions/diseases: hypersensitivity to any kind of of the materials of the drug, lupus, skin manifestations that syphilis, chickenpox, herpes simplex, skin post-vaccination reactions. Pregnant (especially in the very first trimester); children’s age (> 2 years); irreversible treatment; application on huge areas of the skin or in violation that the integrity of the skin; the use of occlusive dressings (especially in children).

Usos: Es un componente de uso tópico, que tiene un principio activo que incorpora ingredientes como gentamicina, Betametasona y clotrimazol, que actúan eficazmente como recuperadores de la epidermis, mayoritariamente afectada en casos de irritación como antiinflamatorios y antibacterianos.

La crema Gelmicin actúa principalmente para contrarrestar las afecciones de la piel como cortes menores, quemaduras, algunas como resultado de la fricción y quemaduras solares causadas por el sol. También está indicado de forma fiable para el tratamiento y prevención de la dermatitis del pañal o aquellas erupciones que se producen por el roce con la orina y el pañal en los bebés.

Ingredientes: Cada 100gramos de crema encontraremos 0.05 gramos de betametasona, 0.10 gramos de gentamicina y 1.00 gramos de clotrimazol, más 100 gramos de excipientes.

Modo de aplicación:Aplicar una fina capa sobre la zona afectada y la piel circundante asegurándose de que esté completamente cubierta, aplicar dos veces al día, por la mañana y por la noche. 

Contraindicaciones:Su empleo está contraindicado en pacientes con historia de hipersensibilidad a cualquiera de los componentes de la fórmula. No debe utilizarse en lesiones tuberculosas de la piel, infecciones virales como herpes straightforward agudo, varicela o durante el periodo de vacunación.No debeemplearsecercade losojos.

5 Gelmicin

posted by C on Oct 29th 2021

I have actually folliculitis the I’ve been taking care of for years and also nothing functioned for me. I have tried doctor prescribed shampoos and also creams and my scalp would still have severe scabs and also irritation. Ns tried gelmicin together an experiment and also it settled my irritation and also scabs. I’m no a physician or any type of kind of method but it helped me.

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5 Esta crema es muy efectiva y funciona realmente

posted by Marisol Torres on Oct 22nd 2021

Mi esposo la uso y la aplico en el hongo de la piel y se le quito.


posted by HUNG VOONG ~ above Oct 3rd 2021


5 Gelmicin

posted by Martha jordan on Sep 15th 2021

I had irritated place on mine philtrum (below nose) that burned all the time, (real negative at night) I applied the gelmicin, and burning considerably improved!

5 Gelmicin Crema

posted by Jay ~ above Sep 11th 2021

Instant treatment of my eczema breakout. Would extremely recommend for world experiencing the very same thing.