A woman burned her hand in the lunchroom. Friend should:a. Cool the burn with big amounts of fresh to run water.b. Covering the burn loosely through a dry, sterile dressing.c. Remove her from the source of the burn.d. Every one of the above
Which kind of injury entails an open wound in i beg your pardon the bone has torn v the skin?a. Dislocationb. Open fracturec. Spraind. Strain
The general care for a muscle, bone or joint injury contains the following:a. Reduce, Insulate, Compress and Evaluateb. Rest, Ibuprofen, Cool and also Evacuatec. Rest, Immobilize, Cold and also Elevated. Nobody of the above
When caring because that a person who is having actually a seizure, you should:a. Ar a spoon or wallet in between the person"s teeth.b. Remove adjacent objects that might reason injury.c. Try to host the human being still.d. All of the above.

You are watching: A woman burned her hand in the lunchroom you should

What sudden condition is usually caused by a blockage the blood circulation to the brain?a. Diabetic emergencyb. Heat-related illnessc. Love attackd. Stroke
This sudden condition results indigenous too much or too little sugar in the person"s blood. What is it?a. Allergic reactionb. Diabetic emergencyc. Seizured. Stroke
Care for a human being with warm exhaustion has the following:a. Force the person to easily drink a many water.b. Obtain the human out that the heat and also into a cooler place.c. Put an ext layers of apparel on the human being as protection against the heat.d. Every one of the above
Heat-related illnesses encompass the following:a. Fainting and also hyperglycemiab. Warmth cramps, heat exhaustion and heat strokec. Warm cramps, stroke and also insulin shockd. Hypoglycemia and also sunstroke
How have to you care for someone v minor frostbite on the fingers?a. Acquire the person to a warm environment and then rewarm his or her hands making use of skin-to-skin contact.b. Have actually the person shake his or she hands vigorously till feeling is restored.c. Immerse his or her hands in warm water.d. Massage his or she hands vigorously.
a. Get the human being to a warmth environment and then rewarm his or she hands making use of skin-to-skin contact.
What is the very first step in caring because that a wound with far-reaching bleeding?a. Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood-soaked bandages.b. Apply direct pressure with a sterile or clean dressing.c. Use pressure in ~ a pressure point.d. Treatment for shock.
If an open wound proceeds to bleed after using direct pressure:"a. Add additional dressings and also continue to apply direct pressure.b. Execute not remove any type of blood-soaked dressings.c. Ensure the 9-1-1 or the neighborhood emergency number has been called.d. Every one of the above
How do you care for a human with a feasible head, neck or spinal injury?a. Relocate the hurt area so the it rests above the person"s heart.b. Relocate the human into a comfortable position as quickly as possible.c. Assistance the head in the place you discover it. Do not shot to align it.d. No one of the above
In hit recognition, quick means:a. Face, arm, speech and time.b. Feet, airway, speech and also temperature.c. Fever, anxiety, stress and also taste.d. Flexibility, asthma and sudden tightness in the chest.

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A young mrs is having trouble breathing and, based on your examine of the person, you suspect that she ishaving a major allergic reaction come a punishment sting. What have to you do?a. After around 15 minutes, contact 9-1-1 or the neighborhood emergency number.b. Call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personnel take over.c. Provide the human being a cool drink.d. Offer the person ab thrusts.
What is a usual signal of suddenly illness?a. Transforms in level of consciousnessb. Lose of vision or blurred visionc. Signals of shockd. All of the above
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