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Courses available for all ability levels. Choose your state to gain started. Learn moreHome / Driving info / Signs, Signals, and Markings / website traffic Signals in ~ Intersections / web traffic Signals

RED—A red signal light means STOP.
You are watching: A traffic light that is not working should be treated the same as a
A ideal turn deserve to be made against a red light only after friend stop and yield to pedestrians and also vehicles in your path. Execute NOT revolve if over there is a sign posted for NO rotate ON RED.
FLASHING RED—A flashing red signal light method exactly the very same as a stop sign: STOP! after stopping, proceed as soon as safe and also observe the right-of-way rules.

YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you the the red signal is about to appear. Once you see the yellow light, you should stop, if you have the right to do so safely. If friend can"t stop, look the end for vehicles that may go into the intersection once the irradiate changes.
FLASHING YELLOW— What go a flashing yellow light mean?A flashing yellow signal light warns you to it is in careful. Slow-moving down and be especially alert.

You have the right to turn left only if you have actually enough room to finish the turn before any oncoming vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian i do not care a hazard. Vehicles turning left must always yield come those going straight from the opposite direction.

GREEN ARROW—A green arrow means GO, but an initial you should yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian quiet in the intersection. The green arrowhead pointing best or left allows you to do a defended turn; oncoming vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians are stopped by a red irradiate as lengthy as the green arrowhead is lit.
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TRAFFIC SIGNAL BLACKOUT—If all web traffic signal lights room not working since of an electric power failure, you should stop at the intersection and also then proceed as soon as you understand other turning and pull close vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians have actually stopped. Ablacked-out website traffic signal functions the exact same as a four-way stop intersection.