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You are watching: 18 is what percent of 60

Step through step technique for calculating what percent of 60 is 18

We currently have our very first value 60 and also the second value 18. Let"s assume the unknown value is Y which answer us will uncover out.

As we have all the forced values us need, currently we can put lock in a simple mathematical formula together below:

STEP 1Y = 18/60

By multiplying both numerator and denominator through 100 we will certainly get:

STEP 2Y = 18/60 × 100/100 = 30/100

STEP 3Y = 30

Finally, we have uncovered the value of Y which is 30 and that is our answer.

You have the right to use a calculator to uncover what percent of 60 is 18, just enter 18 ÷ 60 × 100 and also you will acquire your answer i beg your pardon is 30

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What percent of

Sample questions, answers, and how to

Question: your uncle had 60 share of his own company a couple of years earlier, and now he has 18 the them. What percent the the share of his agency he has now?

Answer: He has actually 30 percent of shares of his firm now.

How To: The crucial words in this difficulty are "What Percent" since they let us understand that it"s the Percent that is missing. Therefore the two numbers the it gives us have to be the "Total" and the "Part" we have.

Part/Total = Percent

In this case, it"s the total that our uncle owned. Therefore we placed 60 top top the bottom that the portion and 18 top top top. Currently we"re ready to figure out the part we don"t know; the Percent.

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18/60 = Percent

To discover the percent, all we have to do is convert the fraction into that is percent form by multiply both top and bottom part by 100 and also here is the means to number out what the Percent is:

18/60 × 100/100 = 30/100

30 = Percent

And that means he has actually 30 percent of the shares of his company now.

Another step by action method

Step 1: Let"s fix the equation for Y by an initial rewriting that as: 100% / 60 = Y% / 18

Step 2: fall the percentage marks to leveling your calculations: 100 / 60 = Y / 18

Step 3: main point both political parties by 18 to isolate Y ~ above the right side that the equation: 18 ( 100 / 60 ) = Y