So you want to divide your fraction 1/3 by your totality number 15, right? You"re in the right place. In this straightforward walkthrough guide, we"ll show you specifically what you should do to division any portion by a whole number (it"s super simple). Keep analysis to find out!

If you"ve ready any of our portion walkthroughs before, you"ll recognize we constantly kick the present off with a fast recap for the kids. The number over the splitting line is the numerator, and also the number below the heat is the denominator. An easy stuff yet sometimes we have the right to all acquire a small forgetful!

To visualize the question we room trying come solve, let"s placed 1/3 and also 15 side-by-side therefore it"s easier to see:

So below is the incredibly easy way to number out what 1/3 split by 15 is. Every we have to do below is save the numerator exactly the very same (1) and also multiple the denominator by the totality number:

Can it probably be that merely to division a fraction by a totality number? Yup. I dislike to disappoint you but this can be the easiest trouble you"ve had actually to deal with all day long!

In some cases the new portion we have actually after performing the calculation can be simplified down additional to lower terms but, in this case, the portion is already in its shortest form.

You are watching: 15 divided by 1/3

You"re done! You now know specifically how to calculate 1/3 divided by 15. Hopefully you construed the process and deserve to use the same techniques to divide other fractions by whole numbers.

Convert 1/3 divided by 15 come Decimal

Here"s a little bonus calculation for you to conveniently work the end the decimal style of the portion we calculated. When you have your last fraction, simply divide the numerator by the denominator to acquire your price in decimal form:

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What is 1/3 split by 15. Retrieved native