>Quadratic Equations and Parabolas -> SOLUTION: 9) Solve by using quadratic formula x2 + 2x � 4 = 0 var visible_logon_form_ = false;Log in or register.Username: Password: Register in one easy step!.Reset your password if you forgot it."; return false; } "> Log On
Click here to see ALL problems on Quadratic EquationsQuestion 294772: 9) Solve by using quadratic formula x2 + 2x � 4 = 0 Found 2 solutions through jim_thompson5910, richwmiller:Answer by jim_thompson5910(35256) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! 9) Solved by pluggable solver: Quadratic FormulaLet"s use the quadratic formula to solve for x: Starting with the general quadratic the general solution using the quadratic equation is: So lets deal with ( notification , , and ) Plug in a=1, b=2, and c=-4 Square 2 to get 4 Multiply to gain Combine like terms in the radicand (everything under the square root) Simplify the square root (note: If you need help with simplifying the square root, check out thins solver) Multiply 2 and 1 to get 2 So now the expression breaks down into two components or Now break up the fraction or Simplify or So the solutions are: or ==============================================10) Solved by pluggable solver: Quadratic FormulaLet"s use the quadratic formula to solve for x: Starting with the general quadratic the general solution using the quadratic equation is: So lets fix ( notice , , and ) Plug in a=1, b=-3, and c=-10 Negate -3 to get 3 Square -3 to get 9 (note: remember when you square -3, you must square the negative as well. This is bereason .) Multiply to gain Combine like terms in the radicand (everything under the square root) Simplify the square root (note: If you need help with simplifying the square root, check out thins solver) Multiply 2 and 1 to get 2 So now the expression breaks down into two components or Lets look at the first part: Add the terms in the molecule Divide So one answer is Now lets look at the second part: Subtract the terms in the numerator Divide So another answer is So our solutions are: or Answer by richwmiller(17219) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website! Do not submit more than one problem at a timeNo similar problems andLimit of 4 problems daily (daily not at a time)So you used up your quota for the day in one submission.x^2 is x^2 not x2 which can be understand as 2x