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You are watching: Why was johnny's death so difficult for dally

The death of Johnny highlights Dally "s inadequacies, i beg your pardon is a very emotional and raw suffer for a young man. He has actually lived a lifestyle which has always indicated that his life will certainly be tough yet short, yet he has striven for a better existence because that Johnny. He has sought...

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The death of Johnny highlights Dally"s inadequacies, i beg your pardon is a very emotional and also raw endure for a young man. He has actually lived a lifestyle which has always indicated the his life will certainly be tough but short, but he has actually striven for a much better existence because that Johnny. He has actually sought to safeguard Johnny, and though his very own mortality might have been in his mind, the of Johnny to be not. Once he has seen someone "good" die, his very own life is futile and also him moving on living is an humiliation to who "pure" like Johnny. Dally has no hope of redemption now; he is no one"s protector or advocate. He is a fail to himself. His prize is come let the mechanism take the too.

Dally can"t expropriate Johnny"s death because Johnny is the one thing in the civilization that Dally cares about. The guys in the gang have actually no one else to depend upon and who cares about them however each other. Dally has constantly watched the end for Johnny in fights, and when Johnny dies, Dally feels he has nothing left that"s an excellent in his life. Dally forces the police to death him because of this. Johnny admires Dally as a hero, and Dally enjoys this admiration and also enjoys having actually someone come take care of and also look the end for. As soon as Johnny dies, Dally loses every one of this and also wants to die himself.

death is a an overwhelming thing because that anyone to need to experience. Once a human is young and only beginning his life"s journey, his or her death can be even more traumatic. Johnny to be the more reserved and also quiet of the Greasers and Dally and Pony were his protectors, especially Dally. Dally felt choose a big brother come him. Dally sensed Johnny"s require to have him it is in his protector. When Johnny dies, that is incomprehensible to Dally. That is completely shocked by it, even though Johnny was badly injured. He simply refuses to resolve it, which end up gift the factor behind Dally"s demise. Dally does not know exactly how to cope with Johnny"s death and also quickly lashes out.

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