Q: Why did the college student eat their homework?A: Because the teacher stated it was a piece of cake!

Explanation: “It’s a item of cake” method that something is yes, really easy.

You are watching: Why did the student eat his homework

Imagine a conversation between a teacher and a student: “What is 2 + 2 ?”

“Oh, that’s a piece of cake! It’s 4!”

A piece of cake (you take an entire cake and cut a piece out and serve that on a plate) can also be just a piece of cake. This hoax is funny because it plays on the double an interpretation of “piece that cake.”

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Reader, writer, teacher, thinker and dreamer. Lector, escritor, profesor, pensador y soñador. Ns teach in Lima, Peru. Enseño en Lima, Peru.
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This entry to be posted in ELL, ESL, humor, Joke and tagged cake, eating, ELL, English, ESL, food, funny, homework, humor, joke, jokes, kids, kids jokes, reading, teacher, writing. Bookmark the permalink.
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2 Responses come Eating Homework

Lillyana says:
May 11, 2022 at 12:53 pm

Hello ns am native U.S.A. Ns am 6 year old my name is lillyana and I’m an YouTuber the all I acquired say so bye.


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