Carpe Diem is a Latin aphorism that normally is translated as “seize the day”. The phrase is offered to refer the imperative of living life come the fullest, of do the most of every situation, of enjoy it every moment of life and also of recording the beauty, beauty of the in everything and everyone, since, together mortals that us are, life will eventually involved an end.

a. Live life to the fullest.

You are watching: Which of the following phrases best summarizes the idea of carpe diem?


“Carpe Diem” is a Latin phrase that has been extensively translated as to “seize the day,” and also interpreted as a phrase that encourages to enjoy of the pleasures the the minute without problem for the future, and to live life to the fullest. It to be taken indigenous a city in Odes publication I created by the roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 BC – 8 BC), likewise known as Horace, in the complying with lines:

Dum loquimur, fugerit invida

Aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

which deserve to be analyzed as the following:

While we"re talking, envious time is fleeing: pluck the day, put no to trust in the future.

Answer from: sierrabuckner645
A. Live life to the fullest


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