The main difference between direct marketing and an individual selling is the directing marketing is the activity of selling products or services straight to the public, fairly than through retailers, whereas personal selling is a form of marketing where a salesperson tries to sway customers come buy a product.

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Direct marketing and personal selling space two approaches of marketing products and also services. Moreover, in both methods, the company directly ideologies the customers there is no a third party.

Key areas Covered

1. What is direct Marketing  – Definition, Features, Examples2. What is an individual Selling – Definition, Features 3. Similarities in between Direct Marketing and personal Selling – outline of usual Features 4. Difference in between Direct Marketing and an individual Selling – comparison of crucial Differences

Key Terms

Direct Marketing, an individual Selling


What is straight Marketing

Directing marketing is the action of selling commodities or services straight to the public quite than with retailers. This is in reality a promotional technique involving presenting information about your brand, product, or service to the target audience without utilizing an proclaiming middleman. Moreover, this an approach involves mail, email, brochures, catalogues, flyers, database marketing, newsletters, coupons, text massage campaigns and using social media – like producing an advertisement on Facebook.


Unlike traditional marketing campaigns, direct marketing does not use mass media or media publications; instead, they communicate directly through target audiences. The main goal of straight marketing is to sway the recipient to take it action. This is why most mails, emails, brochures, newsletters, etc., have a speak to to action. They sway the recipient to take action: to click a link, to visit a website, speak to for much more information, submit your names and addresses to a mail list, or do a purchase. Furthermore, it’s less complicated to measure the effectiveness of direct marketing when compared to various other promotional methods. 

What is an individual Selling

Personal marketing is a kind of marketing where a salesman tries to guide customers to buy a product. In various other words, sales occur when the salesman provides his an abilities and abilities to to convince the customers. We can also describe this as face-to-face selling. An individual selling can happen in a retail setup or over the phone, or even on social media. Moreover, an excellent personal selling approaches can accomplish the customers’ needs and also give priority to their choices without making them feel pressured. In addition, an excellent salespeople sell information, advice, and also recommendations and help customers conserve money and also time.


Have you ever before seen perfume and also cosmetic counters in room stores? This is an example of an individual selling. At this counters, the customers can get advice on how to usage the product and also shot on assorted products. Generally, carriers use personal selling come sell commodities with high prices or assets with facility features. We encounter many an ext examples of personal selling in real life. Actual estate agents, salespeople at vehicle dealerships, door-to-door salespeople room some other examples.

Similarities between Direct Marketing and an individual Selling

With both methods, effectiveness can be easily measured.Furthermore, in both methods, the company directly viewpoints the customers without a 3rd party.

Difference in between Direct Marketing and an individual Selling


Directing marketing is the activity of selling commodities or services straight to the public quite than v retailers, while an individual selling is a type of offering where a salesperson tries to guide customers to buy a product.


Direct marketing entails mail, email, brochures, catalogues, flyers, database marketing, newsletters, coupons, social media, and also texting campaigns. Personal selling, on the other hand, involves salespeople utilizing their skills and capability to to convince the client to buy products.


With straight marketing, you deserve to reach a huge audience, but with an individual selling, you can only with a limited number the customers.


With personal selling, the message deserve to be personalized because that each customer, yet this not possible with direct marketing.

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Direct marketing is mainly around instant gratification; customers may not develop a trusting relationship with the brand due to the fact that there is no an individual touch. An individual selling, on the other hand, revolves approximately building a personal relationship through customers. 


In brief, directing marketing is the activity of selling commodities or services directly to the public quite than through retailers, while personal selling is a form of marketing where a salesperson tries to persuade customers to buy a product. Moreover, straight marketing involves mail, email, brochures, catalogues, flyers, database marketing, newsletters, coupons, social media, and also texting campaigns. Personal selling, on the other hand, entails salespeople using their skills and ability to to convince the client to buy products. Thus, this is the difference in between direct marketing and personal selling. 


1. Kenton, Will. “Direct Marketing: What You need to Know.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 14 Dec. 2020, accessible here. 2. “Principles that Marketing.” Lumen Learning, obtainable here.

Image Courtesy:

1. ““2123481” (CC0) via Pixabay2. “Young couple talking to a sales person in a automobile showroom free Photo” by senvipetro (CC0) via Freepik