I fiddled around with the problem for a while but no, just find the formula:
The proportion is 1/4 because:4^4 = 256 = 
4^2 = 16 = 
First facet of sequence: 256So with these 2 numbers you can get the formula.Now plug in 7 because that n and also solve.

You are watching: What is the 7th term of the geometric sequence where a1 = 256 and a3 = 16?


-16=ar^4 split by 1024=ar is:-1/64=r^3r=-1/41024=a(-1/4), a=-4096 soa(n)=-4096(-0.25^n)a(7)=-4096(-0.25^7)=0.25

Regardless of the sign of the typical ratio, then, you will have
The yes, really term would be closer to
if girlfriend didn"t need to round.

alternative "A" is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have given that


As we recognize that that is a geometric succession :


And we require to discover the 7th ax of the geometric sequence.


Hence, option "A" is correct.

the 7th hatchet of the geometric sequence is 1/4 or 0.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Given geometric succession terms

a1 = 1,024 and also a4 = −16

nth ax of geometric succession is

a1 = 1,024 and a4 = −16

Plug in 4 because that n and also solve because that "r"



Divide both sides by 1024


Now take it cube root on both sides


To find 7th term we plugin n=7 , r= -1/4 , a1 = 1024



a_7 = 0.25

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