Longitude is the measurement eastern or west the the element meridian. Longitude is measure by imagine lines that run roughly the earth vertically (up and also down) and meet at the North and South Poles. This lines are known as meridians. Each meridian steps one arcdegree the longitude. The distance about the planet measures 360 degrees.The meridian that runs through Greenwich, England, is internationally embraced as the heat of 0 degrees longitude, or element meridian. The antimeridian is halfway roughly the world, at 180 degrees. That is the basis for the International date Line.Half that the world, the east Hemisphere, is measured in degrees east the the element meridian. The various other half, the west Hemisphere, in degrees west that the element meridian.Degrees of longitude are separated into 60 minutes. Every minute the longitude have the right to be further divided into 60 seconds. For example, the longitude the Paris, France, is 2° 29" E (2 degrees, 29 minute east). The longitude because that Brasilia, Brazil, is 47° 55" W (47 degrees, 55 minutes west).A level of longitude is around 111 kilometers (69 miles) in ~ its widest. The widest locations of longitude are close to the Equator, wherein the planet bulges out. Due to the fact that of the Earth"s curvature, the actual distance of a degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude depends on its distance from the Equator. The greater the distance, the shorter the length between meridians. All meridians accomplish at the North and also South Poles.Longitude is regarded latitude, the measurement of distance north or south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are called parallels. Maps space often significant with parallels and meridians, developing a grid. The suggest in the grid whereby parallels and also meridians intersect is dubbed a coordinate. Collaborates can be supplied to situate any allude on Earth.Knowing the exact collaborates of a website (degrees, minutes, and also seconds that longitude and also latitude) is an important for military, engineering, and rescue operations. Collaborates can give military leader the location of weapons or foe troops. Coordinates assist engineers plan the best spot for a building, bridge, well, or other structure. Coordinates help airplane pilots floor planes or drop aid packages in specific locations.

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Into the great Wide OpenIt to be not till the 18th century that world were able come correctly identify their longitude, even though they had actually been maybe to figure out latitude for some time.

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Not being able to reckon longitude was dangerous because that sailors. Without precise location, they could easily operation out that food or water ~ above a long exploration into uncharted territory.