According to Riddle Spot, the answer to the riddle "What goes up the chimney under but can not go down the chimney up?" is one umbrella. An umbrella is very thin and also narrow as soon as it is down, so it can fit through the small opening the a chimney.

You are watching: What goes up a chimney and never comes down

Click to see full answer Likewise, what can go increase a drainpipe yet not down?

An umbrella. One umbrella.

Subsequently, inquiry is, what is harder to catch the quicker you run? Answer: her breath.

simply so, what has actually a neck yet no head?

A Neck and also No Head. What has a neck and also no head, 2 arms but no hands? A shirt (or sweater, jacket, etc). A shirt (or sweater, jacket, etc).

What next of a cat has most fur?

Answer: The outside.

What can You Serve, But never ever Eat? Don"t forget come share it v all the children that you know. Answer: A Tennis sphere or a badminton shuttle.
What has teeth yet can"t bite? A comb. Various other inanimate objects with teeth favor a saw, zipper or a equipment can “bite” you. It"s a rare event that anyone would certainly be injured by a comb.
Question : What has hands but can not clap? answer : The price will be one of two people a clock or a watch. Both have hands yet can no clap.
Question: How do you make the number one disappear by adding come it? Answer: Add the letter "G" and also it"s "Gone".
Anencephaly is the lack of a significant portion that the brain, skull, and also scalp that occurs throughout embryonic development. It is a cephalic disorder that results from a neural tube defect that occurs when the rostral (head) end of the neural tube fails to close, usually in between the 23rd and also 26th day complying with conception.
The answer is a needle! girlfriend see a needle has one ”eye”, where the subject is pass through, but that can"t see through it can"t it?
the end the the rainbow. If friend say that something is in ~ the end the the rainbow, you median that people want it yet it is nearly impossible to attain or achieve. The promise the a cure–the pot of gold at the end the the rainbow–often makes sensible world do irrational things.
A match. You tear a complement out the a matchbook and also scratch the head to irradiate it, climate the red reminder turns black native the flame. This is an accurate duplicate the Tear One Off and Scratch my Head but I"m leaving it come avoid broken links. A match.
Birds, bats, moths and butterflies can fly. Also some lizards, snakes, fish and also squirrels can glide under manage toward the ground, which is not the very same thing together falling. Reinwardt"s flying frog “flieswithout wings v Southeast eastern rainforests.
Which automobile is order the very same forwards and also backwards? Answer: Racecar / Civic. Both this word once read backwards come with the same word.

See more: Which Describes A Consequence Of The Viking Raids Into Other European Countries?

What always runs, but never walks, frequently murmurs but never talks, has actually a bed but never sleeps, has actually a mouth but doesn"t eat? girlfriend can walk top top water as result of it"s power, try to save it, it"ll be unable to do in an hour.