lol = laughing the end loud;rofl = roll on the floor laughing;lmao = laughing my a** off;roflmao = roll on the floor laughing mine a** off.

You are watching: What does lmfao mean in spanish

These are just some that the forms of text laughter the I very first encountered ~ above ICQ/IRC back in the 90s / beforehand 00s. Normally we also have "hah", "haha", and "bwahahahha" :)

However, once talking come friends, aside from the continuous "jaja", ns haven"t found numerous other choices to express various levels that amusement. And also it feeling wrong come laugh sometimes when it"s simply something that"s mildly amusing, because that example.

Any suggestions?



Lo que yo hago (otros harán otras cosas):

Te hace gracia y te sonríes :)Te hace gracia y te ríes :DUna sonrisa perversa: jejejeje (como levantando el labio premium por el lado derecho)Una sonrisa malvada: muahahahaha (como el malvado que se ríe cuando su trampa ha funcionado)Alguien metió la pata, te sorprendes y dare hace un poquito de gracia: JuasOf course, también lol, ja, jajaja, y JAJAJAAJJAJAJAJA.


They usage "jajaja": the much more "ja", the more powerful the laugh. But there are variations, choose jejeje, i m sorry is a less solid laugh and also can be a worried laugh or one "evil" laugh.

Anyway, over there seem to it is in "alternatives" because that LOL in

CMC (casi me cago) = It means "I practically p**p my pants (from laughter)";RAC (reír a carcajadas) = lol

I"ve also seen "MDR" (muerto de risa), but it in reality originated indigenous the French "mort de rire", same meaning; it"s offered by French speakers together with LOL.


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