To Kiss and also Tell Meaning

Definition: To disclose one’s romantic adventures to friends, family, or the public; come betray an intimate secret.

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Origin the Kiss and Tell

This expression originates from the late-1600s. Among its very first uses in publish was in Charles Cotton’s 1675 Burlesque.

And if he needs need to kiss and also tell, I’ll absent him headlong into Hell.

The meaning of this phrase originates from its literal interpretation: if who kissed who else and also then said others around it. However, this expression have the right to refer to much more than just kissing; it have the right to be about any romantic exploit where the teller is betraying the intimacy the took place.

In many cases, even today, kissing and also telling is actions that is frowned upon.

Examples the Kiss and also Tell

In the instance below, 2 friends are mentioning a recent date that one of them had.

Ted: Hey! You had actually a date last weekend, right? walk it go well?

Rufio: Yeah! the went great! us were a an excellent match, and also had an instant connection. We are already planning to check out each various other again this weekend.

Ted: that’s great! so did anything occur after the date?

Rufio: What perform you mean?

Ted: ns mean, go anything physics happen?

Rufio: none of her business! ns don’t kiss and tell!

This dialogue reflects two friends talking together around their previous boyfriends and girlfriends.

Zayna: Ugh, i am sick of dating. I’m done through it. Probably forever.

Ben: yes no way that’s true. Possibly you just haven’t discovered the right person yet.

Zayna: i have dated a lot of guys. If there were a appropriate person, I would have found him by now.

Ben: Really? I’ve only dated two women before. How numerous men have actually you dated?

Zayna: it’s a secret. I don’t kiss and also tell!

More Examples

The excerpt below talks around how brothel workers execute not disclose their customers. The is critical part that their service philosophy.

In Wednesday, once the establishment’s 10 woman workers had actually the day off, Love Ranch Manager T.J. Moore stood exterior as reporters waited for a tour of the brothel. Moore wouldn’t say how frequently Odom visited.

This excerpt is around a singer and also how that didn’t offer away too much information about his partnership with his ex-wife. Instead, he keeps that information private.

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The expression kiss and also tell means to have actually romantic interactions and then to tell others outside of the partnership what happened.