I as soon as ordered Fish and also chips in Canada. What I acquired was fried fish and also 'wafers' not French Fries. As soon as asked i was told i should have actually ordered Fish and French Fries !!!
Wikipedia has actually a nice list of state at the start of their article:
Potato chips (known as crisps in British and Hiberno invernessgangshow.net; either chips or wafers in Indian invernessgangshow.net; and also chips in American, Australian, brand-new Zealand, Canadian, Singapore, south African, and also Jamaican invernessgangshow.net) ...
You are watching: What do they call chips in england
They chose potato chips as the article"s lemma, which appears to be the the very least ambiguous ax in usual use.
In brothers invernessgangshow.net, chips space deep-fried pieces of potato reduced in differing lengths and also with a profile that can also vary, however which might around be 1cm square. In American invernessgangshow.net, this are, i understand, called French fries, or simply fries. An extremely thin deep-fried slices that potato, usually marketed in bags and typically eaten as an accompaniment come beer space crisps in brother invernessgangshow.net. Elsewhere, I believe they are confusingly dubbed chips. So, no, there’s no one term the is globally reliable. If in doubt, ask to look prior to you eat or buy.
Chips can likewise be bought frozen to cook in the oven. They"re well-known by the strikingly initial name that oven chips.
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edited jan 6 "12 in ~ 19:02
answered jan 6 "12 in ~ 17:09
Barrie EnglandBarrie England
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These room potatoes reduced into pieces around the width of a finger, and deep fried in lard, beef dripping, or some other fat with comparable cooking properties, till the middle is cooked.
In Britain, lock are recognized as "chips".
In the USA they space sometimes known as "chips" (when served as part of "fish and also chips"), yet they are an ext frequently referred to as "French fries" - return an American can well complain that these French fries weren"t crispy enough.
These space potatoes reduced into narrow pieces, and also deep fried in vegetable oil, v the target of getting a crispy outside.
In Britain they are recognized as "French fries" ~ above packaging and restaurant menus. Countless British human being would still speak to them chips.
In the USA castle are well-known as French fries, or just "fries".
These space potatoes sliced an extremely thinly, and also fried until they are rigid and also crispy.
In the UK they are recognized as "crisps". In Britain, if you asked for "chips" and also received crisps, you"d it is in surprised.
In the us they are recognized as "potato chips" or sometimes just "chips".
These space an arbitrarily pre-packaged snack that are not make from potato. Although this ones room corn puffs through spicy flavouring, the picture is meant to represent the whole variety of crunchy savoury snacks the come in bags.
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In the UK, although the packaging will never ever say "crisps", a person could casually refer to them as "crisps" anyway - learning it"s no strictly accurate, yet not caring.
I think one American might similarly refer to them as "chips". Probably an American have the right to comment and confirm?