All grains start life in its entirety grains. In their herbal state growing in the fields, whole grains are the entire seed of a plant. This seeds (which market calls a “kernel”) is comprised of three an essential edible components – the bran, the germ, and the endosperm – protected by one inedible husk that protects the kernel from attacks by sunlight, pests, water, and also disease.

You are watching: The part of the grain that remains after being refined is the ____.


The Bran

The bran is the multi-layered outer skin that the edible kernel. It has important antioxidants, B vitamins and also fiber.

The Germ

The germ is the embryo which has actually the potential to sprout right into a new plant. It contains many B vitamins, some protein, minerals, and also healthy fats.

The Endosperm

The endosperm is the germ’s food supply, which gives essential energy to the young plant so it have the right to send roots under for water and also nutrients, and also send sprouts up because that sunlight’s photosynthesizing power. The endosperm is by much the largest portion of the kernel. It has starchy carbohydrates, proteins and tiny amounts of vitamins and also minerals.

Whole Grains space Healthier

Whole seed contain all three components of the kernel. Refining normally clears the bran and also the germ, leaving only the endosperm. Without the bran and also germ, about 25% of a grain’s protein is lost, and also are greatly lessened in at the very least seventeen an essential nutrients. Processors include back some vitamins and minerals to enrich refined grains, therefore refined commodities still contribute an useful nutrients. Yet whole grains space healthier, providing much more protein, more fiber and many vital vitamins and minerals.

Click below to see a graphic that reflects what’s shed when wheat is refined, and the tiny bits the are included back — just a couple of components, and also not in their initial proportions — as soon as grains room enriched. Here’s another graphic because that rice, the shows similar differences between whole serial (brown) rice and white (refined) rice.Whole grains may be eaten whole, cracked, separation or ground. They have the right to be milled into flour or supplied to do breads, cereals and also other processed foods. If a food label states that the package includes whole grain, the “whole grain” part of the food inside the parcel is forced to have actually the same proportions that bran, germ, and endosperm together the harvest kernel does prior to it is processed.

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Finding totality Grains

Whole grains currently make up much less than fifty percent of all grains top top supermarket shelves (though cultivation every day!). In ~ a time as soon as health specialists urge consumers to eat in ~ least fifty percent of your grains as whole grains, our entirety Grain Product Finder deserve to make finding totality grains a snap.