The an ext you take, the an ext you leave behind… it’s a good riddle, and also here’s the answer.

While in lockdown, plenty of of us are happily welcome distractions. 

You are watching: The more you take of me the more you leave behind what am i

Most days feel very much the same at the moment and it’s crucial to try and introduce some safe spontaneity right into your day when possible. 

Of course, entertainment has actually played a crucial role in maintaining us every happy, v music, films, TV and books proving together a considerable help. 

On the various other hand, we’re noticing so many human being spending an ext and an ext time each day online, sharing riddles and puzzles to store their brains healthy and active. 

It’s a wonderful idea, and it’s superior to check out that part have even devised your own difficulties to put their followers and also friends to the test. 

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However, you simply can’t go wrong with the classics… 


Riddle: The an ext you take, the an ext you leaving behind 

This one is one more classic, but we’re no surprised the it has actually recently resurfaced while everyone is sharing some of their favourites. 

Here’s the riddle in full:

“The an ext you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?”

Consider the question an extremely carefully. What do you take which results in friend leaving more behind you? give it part thought prior to checking the answer…

Still haven’t obtained it? not to worry, we have actually the answer.

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The much more you take, the an ext you leave behind. What to be I?

— prince Richard hayes (
richardhayes89) April 13, 2022


Answer: The an ext you take, the an ext you leave behind

The answer come the riddle is “footsteps”

Now you have it!

The an ext footsteps friend take, the more you leave behind you. 

It’s tricky, yet like most an excellent riddles, it becomes immediately obvious when the answer’s revealed. 

Considering friend now have actually the answer, be certain to re-publishing the riddle v your family and also friends to view if castle can gain it. Arguably, one of the ideal things about sharing riddles with others is the variety of exciting answers human being consider before getting that right. 

There have to be some good attempts with this one. 

In other news, Lupita’s dad riddle solved!

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