Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration: A to compare


Why oxygen?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transfer chain of aerobic respiration. In the lack of oxygen, just a couple of ATP are produced from glucose. In the presence of oxygen, many an ext ATP are made.

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Advantages of Aerobic Respiration

A major advantage of aerobic respiration is the lot of power it releases. Without oxygen, biology can separation glucose into just two molecules that pyruvate. This releases only enough power to make 2 ATP molecules. With oxygen, organisms can malfunction glucose every the way to carbon dioxide. This releases enough power to develop up to 38 ATP molecules. Thus, aerobic respiration publication much more energy than anaerobic respiration.

The amount of energy created by aerobic respiration may describe why aerobic organisms pertained to dominate life ~ above Earth. It may also explain just how organisms were able to end up being multicellular and increase in size.

Advantages of Anaerobic Respiration

One benefit of anaerobic respiration is obvious. It allows organisms live in areas where there is tiny or no oxygen. Together places encompass deep water, soil, and also the digestive tracts of animals such as people (see Figure below).


E. Coli bacteria room anaerobic bacteria the live in the human being digestive tract.

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Another benefit of anaerobic respiration is that speed. That produces ATP very quickly. For example, it allows your muscles gain the energy they need for short bursts the intense activity (seeFigure below). Aerobic respiration, top top the other hand, produces ATP more slowly.

Hurdlers utilizing anaerobic respiration for energythe final electron acceptor of aerobic respiration is