School Buses

School buses bring our most precious cargo (our children), yet we have human being who drive by them when they space loading and also unloading children, part seemingly impervious to their vulnerability and also the tragedy that might ensue in ~ a issue of seconds.

You are watching: It is illegal to follow an emergency vehicle at a distance closer than __________.

When should you stop for a college bus?

Drivers have to stop for institution buses follow to their state laws. Typically, ~ above a two-way street or highway, all motorists moving in either direction have to stop for a stopped institution bus, whether it is choose up or dropping turn off children and also remain quit until all children are clean of the roadway and the bus signal has been withdrawn.

Emergency Vehicles

As us go around our day-to-day business, we space watched over by law enforcement, fire rescue and also emergency clinical teams. We need to be aware as drivers what to do as soon as one of this emergency vehicles approaches. The Number One preeminence is, as soon as you hear or see an emergency automobile of any form approaching from the rear, traction as much to the ideal as possible and stop!

When you space approached by one emergency vehicle, what should you do?

Upon the Immediatee method of an emergency automobile sounding a siren and flashing emergency lights, a driver must yield the right of means and automatically drive to a position parallel to and as near as possible to the nearest sheet or curb that the highway clear of any type of intersection and remain there until the emergency car has passed. Exercise too much caution roughly an emergency situation and follow the directions given by a police officer.

What is the street you have to stay behind one emergency vehicle?

Stay at the very least 500 feet behind any kind of moving emergency vehicle (fire truck, ambulance, patrol car) displaying flashing warning lights and also sounding a siren.

Drivers nearing a stopped emergency automobile that has lights caused (unless otherwise directed by a regulation enforcement officer) must:

Vacate the roadway closest come the emergency vehicle, if the highway has two or an ext lanes traveling in the direction of the emergency vehicle; orSlow come a rate not an ext than 20 mph much less than the posted speed limit once the posted rate limit is 25 mph or more; orSlow come a rate not an ext than 5 mph when the posted speed limit is much less than 25 mph

Once the emergency auto approaches you, must you start moving slowly?

Remain off the side of the road until the emergency vehicle has passed. Keep a foot ~ above the brake for this reason the brake lights let emergency automobile drivers know you have actually stopped. Driving safety and security Articles:This post was created by defensive driving staff writers and reviewed for accuracy by defensive driving instructors. All articles are based on current website traffic laws and also defensive driving practices. This write-up is intended for educational purposes only, and also should no be taken as legal advice or literal interpretation of any specific traffic law.

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