What is the difference in between Antigone and also Ismene? how is Ismene a silver paper to Antigone? how are lock different? I understand that Antigone is because that the gods" rule, and also Ismene is for the state"s rules. What other distinctions are there?
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You are watching: In what ways does ismene differ from her sister, antigone, in antigone?

Ismene is a clear foil to she bolder sister Antigone. Antigone stays by her ethical convictions and also the regulation of the gods. She is not afraid to stand up to male strength to perform what is right.
Ismene, at the very least at first, is an ext concerned through self-preservation 보다 burying...
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Ismene is a clear silver paper to she bolder sister Antigone. Antigone stays by her moral convictions and also the regulation of the gods. She is no afraid come stand as much as male power to execute what is right.
Ismene, at the very least at first, is much more concerned through self-preservation 보다 burying she dead brother. As she outlines come Antigone, their entire family has actually been through rather a little bit of trauma. She admits she is weak and also can"t stand anymore contention. She is much much more apt to define herself by she gender—as a woman—than as a human being being. She uses her societal position as a woman to save herself from having actually to put her life top top the line, other Antigone does not do. In the prologue, she claims to Antigone:
We are just women, / us cannot fight through men, Antigone! / The regulation is strong, us must offer in to the legislation / In this thing, and in worse. I beg the / Dead To pardon me, but I to be helpless: I must yield / to those in authority.
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Ismene is much more akin come the median person, unwilling to rock the boat, and also in this means she highlights Antigone"s ethical courage.
It is tough not to credit Ismene v some common sense for not wanting one of two people of them come stick their necks the end for a brother that is currently dead after there has already been so lot tragedy in their family. However, the gods, as the chorus explains, side through Antigone: one need to do the right thing, nevertheless of the cost. Together Antigone says: