Answer:The password that begin with S73.1- room for sprains that the hip. If the two ligaments readily available in the subcategory do not pertain to your patient (iliofemoral and ishiocapsular), then the most proper code would certainly be S73.19- for various other sprain the the hip. Your documentation would certainly then have to specify why the various other codes walk not work-related by identifying the ligament that was sprained.
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Q/A: What is the ICD-10 code for Acetabular Labral Tear?. (2017, might 22). Find-A-Code Articles. Retrieved from
© InnoviHealth systems IncArticle tag (click ~ above a tag to see associated articles)ICD10CM: S73.101AICD10CM: S73.101DICD10CM: S73.101SICD10CM: S73.102AICD10CM: S73.102DICD10CM: S73.102SICD10CM: S73.109AICD10CM: S73.109DICD10CM: S73.109SICD10CM: S73.111AICD10CM: S73.111DICD10CM: S73.111SICD10CM: S73.112AICD10CM: S73.112DICD10CM: S73.112SICD10CM: S73.119AICD10CM: S73.119DICD10CM: S73.119SICD10CM: S73.121AICD10CM: S73.121DICD10CM: S73.121SICD10CM: S73.122AICD10CM: S73.122DICD10CM: S73.122SICD10CM: S73.129AICD10CM: S73.129DICD10CM: S73.129SICD10CM: S73.191AICD10CM: S73.191DICD10CM: S73.191SICD10CM: S73.192AICD10CM: S73.192DICD10CM: S73.192SICD10CM: S73.199AICD10CM: S73.199DICD10CM: S73.199STopic: CodingTopic: Diagnosis CodingTopic: ICD10CM Coding
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