Japanese words can mean different things as soon as on miscellaneous occasions - are you certain you’re saying them right? there are situations when we have to decrease someone out of politeness or personal reasons. Sometimes, saying no is more daunting than speak yes for this reason here’s just how to properly decrease someone in Japanese.

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How come Properly and Politely to speak No, thank YouWhen to decrease someone or something

In general, the appropriate time to decline someone or miscellaneous is ~ an offer has been given and also a thorough decision towards it has been made. The world in Japan seldom say “No”. Most of the time, Japanese will provide you an unknown answer that is resulting in actually declining an offer. This is since the Japanese provide high regards to your social status and also to whomever they room speaking with.


Example Situations

The indigenous “No” when translated into Japanese is “いいえ (iie),” but the Japanese use other expressions to avoid answering a strong “No.” This may additionally vary depending on the person’s situation or the people giving the or her the offer. Right here are some example situations:

1. ちょっと。。。ー Chotto…

This is a polite method to refuse an sell from someone you are not specifically close with such together a colleague, an acquaintance, or someone you have just newly met.

Q: 明日一緒に飲みませんか? (Ashita, isshyo ni nomimasen ka?) - Why don’t us drink with each other tomorrow?

A: ごめんなさい、明日はちょっと用事があって・・・(Gomennasai, ashita ha chotto youji ga atte…) - i am sorry, tomorrow I have actually some errands...

2. ううんーUun

This means of speak “No” is frequently used only in between the people you are acquainted with such as your friends and/or family. This is a casual method of speak no and also should definitely not be supplied when speaking v someone of greater social status or seniority.

Q: 鉛筆ある? (Enpitsu aru) – perform you have a pencil?

A: ううん。(Uun) – Nope.

3. 違いますーChigai masu

Using this expression shows that you room not completely disagreeing to the various other person however have a different take ~ above the case or topic.

Q: この問題の答えは “A” でしょう?(Kono mondai no kotae wa “A” deshou) – The answer come this concern is A right?

A: 違います!”B” です。(Chigai masu! “B” desu) – No, it’s B.

How to be polite once declining

As the Japanese have various means to say “No” to someone or something, it is also really important to take into consideration how you supply it. Your tone that voice, means of speaking, human body language, and even exactly how you physically look favor whilst in the matter are really important components to take into consideration when trying come be as polite and also proper as feasible when decreasing an offer.

Declining out of politeness

One of the primary reasons why the Japanese use various other expressions to decrease an offer fairly than clearly stating “No” is due to the fact that of politeness. This goes out to the human being they are having actually a conversation with, too. Stating a solid “No” to who of reduced status is acceptable, but when speaking with someone of same or higher status or seniority, the Japanese people always find ways to decline in the most polite manner. This is due to the fact that they are avoiding the person they are decreasing an sell from to be into an embarrassment or a instance where they might lose confront or it is in belittled by various other people.

Different ways to say No, give thanks to You in Japanese

It is not strictly prohibited to say “No” straight in Japan, yet just as exactly how politeness and proper manners room being thought about even in various other countries, the is an extremely important because that the Japanese world to avoid problems and/or misunderstanding when declining an offer, thus, being respectful even when they space to decrease someone’s market or something in particular.


When to use the various forms of saying No, give thanks to You

The various ways of speak No, thank You differ on the situation and the civilization you are conversing with. Seniority and the level that social condition are really important factors to consider when speaking in many East eastern countries choose Japan. Saying “No” to a girlfriend is various from saying “No” to a stranger or even to a colleague. Declining an invite may also be different from decreasing other offers. In general, the is actually easier to say yes than to to speak no, this is why the Japanese people get an imaginative when they room to decrease someone or something.

Common forms of saying No, give thanks to you

The precise translation of “No, say thanks to You” in Japanese is いいえ、結構ですーIie, Kekkou desu. This is frequently used by the Japanese once refusing an invite by friends. However, there space other ways of saying No, thank you the is kinder and more appropriate in a manner 보다 this straight translation. Just as pointed out previously, the word “chotto” is a polite means of decreasing someone or something.

For example,

1. いいえ、結構ですーIie, Kekkou desu

Q: コーヒーにミルクと砂糖はいりますか?(Cōhī ni miruku come satō wa irimasuka?) – would certainly you favor sugar and milk?

A: いいえ、結構です。(Iie, Kekkou desu) – No, thank you. I’ve had enough.

2. いいえ、大丈夫ですーIie, Daijyoubu desu

When translated to English, this way “No, it’s fine/okay.” This is a polite method to turn down someone’s offer or invitation.

Q: 袋はいりますか? (Fukuro wa irimasuka?) - perform you require a bag?

A: いいえ、大丈夫です。(Iie, daijyoubu desu) – No, it’s fine, give thanks to you.

3. ちょっと。。。ー Chotto…

Q: 今日、晩ご飯を一緒に食べませんか?(Kyou, ban gohan o isshoni tabemasenka) – Shall we eat dinner with each other today?

A: 用事があるので、ちょっと。。。(Youji ga aru node, chotto…) – I have actually some things to carry out so…

Q. このシャツはどうですか?(Kono shatsu wa doudesuka) – How about this shirt?

A. 私にはちょっと。。。 (私にはちょっと。。。)ー It’s a tiny much because that me. No, say thanks to you.


Things to save in mind

Note that there will be differences based upon age and also status between you and the various other person

As stated previously, most countries in eastern Asia converse through hierarchy. A respectful path is very important to be offered on a everyday basis and also even top top the most common and also usual methods of living such as having a conversation. In Japan, it is highly essential to usage the right and non-offensive words come say to anyone especially to those of greater class or seniority. The is also very important to show courteousness to the yonsi in any way.

Some unit volume are much more appropriate come say than others in particular situation

Choosing the best words come say is crucial when speaking specifically when decreasing an sell of any kind of kind. As questioned above, there are numerous ways come express a refusal in a manner that will certainly not violation a human offering something. A strong “No” might seem simple and direct to the point, yet for most people such together those older than you or room in a higher social status than you, that will seem rude and also impolite.

The closer relationship you have, the much more casual you deserve to be

This is normal not just in Japan but also in other countries. Speaking through friends is fully different than speaking with a human being you simply met. This additionally goes because that the household members girlfriend speak with specifically if you have a close connection or bond through them. If you want to refuse something, girlfriend may easily say “ううんーUun (No)” without any kind of burden, however if friend say that to refuse someone you room not particularly close with, that would seem rude, for this reason instead, we say various other phrases such together “ちょっと。。。ー Chotto…”. The closer relationship you have with the other party, the less awkward it is to respond in a less formal manner.



Saying “No” directly in Japan is no prohibited however is usually being avoided to avoid misunderstanding in between two parties. The Japanese, instead, provide other responses or indirect answers the convey the post of refusal.

There are many other means to refuse an offer even without saying words “no.” most of these ways seem vague however are more polite in manner, hence making it an ext useful specifically when being claimed to a person you space less familiar or nearby with.

Age, social status, order of hierarchy, situation, and also place are an extremely important determinants to consider when providing “no” as response to an offer.

You might speak an ext casually to the world you are particularly close with.

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You must always consider courteousness when speaking to the elderly and/or those who room in higher ranks or social status. Being respectful and also showing polite courtesy are always followed by the Japanese.