Once you set foot on ever before Grande City, the first place you want to go to is the Pokemon Center.Heal your Pokemon, and also make certain your Pokemon to know Surf, Strength, Flash, absent Smash, and also Waterfall,needed to gain through what"s coming up next. Then, enter the cave. It"s that acquainted name: win Road.
Victory road is filled through super toughwild Pokemon and an effective trainers, for this reason you better be prepared. Go right up, go up the stairs, and also cross the bridge. Walk up a little bit more,fight the trainer, and also climb onto the ladder. Use Flash come see much more of the screen. Go right, under a bit, and then left. Push the boulder left and the following boulder right using Strength. Continue down the path that was formerly blocked. Next,use rock Smash to break the rock, and also go up the stairs. Overcome the bridge, and when you step down the stairs, a trainerwill an obstacle you come a match. In ~ the break-up go down, friend will eventually find one more ladder going down. Hit the trainer andgo approximately the water. Surf increase a little, and then go up the stairs and also take the nearest ladder. In the area, you"ll discover TM 29 - Psychic.Go earlier to the water, and also surf west until you reach the waterfall. Currently go increase the waterfall.
There is a covert Elixir in the north area come the right. Walk on land and walk west. You"ll discover a trainer and also a Full Heal.Continue surfing west, and also go down the waterfall. Walk east, and also climb the ladder. Afterwards, walk down. You"ll uncover somerocks the you"ll must either rest or push. Smash the very first rock, and also move the an initial boulder up. Quit the second rock, andcontinue north. Rise the ladder. Go up the stairs, corss the bridge, and go north. A trainer difficulties you come a battle. Follow the path afterwards.When you with the top, Wally will difficulty you come a battle. He has a total of five Pokemon, and they"re nice strong. I indicate that friend savethe game prior to going near the top. Acquire out of win Road and also follow the path. You"ve ultimately made that tothe Pokemon League!
Locations (Route 128)
Pokemon League
You"ll certainly want come heal her Pokemon onceyou get into the Pokemon league building. Enter your PC, and also draw out any Pokemon you desire to use throughout battle.Stock increase on some vital items, such together Full Restore or Revive. After that, conserve the video game in instance youlose, and talk to among the 2 officials was standing by the entrance. Walk inside, and get prepared to battle the upstream Four!
The first member of the Elite 4 is Sidney. He offers DarkPokemon. His Pokemon are noted below:
The second member the the Elite 4 is Phoebe. She offers GhostPokemon. Psychic attacks will work an excellent with she Pokemon. She Pokemon are listed below:
The 3rd member the the Elite 4 is Glacia. She supplies IcePokemon. Thunderbolts should do the work-related perfectly well here. She Pokemon are noted below:
The last member of the Elite four is Drake. He provides DragonPokemon. Ice Beams will entirely destroy his Pokemon. His Pokemon are listed below:
Okay, you"ve beat every member of the upstream Four. Girlfriend think you"re excellent now? not a chance. In every Pokemongame, there"s always a Champion in ~ the end. Now"s the moment to proceed walking to battle the Champion: Steven! listed below is a perform of Steven"s Pokemon.
After beating him, her rival come in to offer you a bit of advice to beat the Champion. However she doesn"t know you"ve already beaten him. Professor Birch also comes, and rates her PokeDex. Steven climate takes you into the room Of Fame, and records her Pokemonand you into the computer. You"re now the new champion! friend have practically finished the game, and also now the finishing creditscome up. Sit back and enjoy the beautiful music comes from your game Boy Advance.