The new game levels because that “Aqua Grabber” have been released. Castle levels room Clam Waters and Soda seas. Seashells waters is the old level, but with a new ending. Girlfriend will have actually to get the cool pearl from the huge oyster. You have the right to play either level, and you do not have actually to finish the very first to beat the second level. Every level has various stages. For example, try to beat the timer, or finish without shedding a life. Follow the following club penguin cheat to assist complete the new levels easier.

You are watching: How to get the grand pearl on club penguin

1. Collect the pearls native the small clams. If you watch a black color pearl, they room worth extra only.


2. In ~ the end, acquire the pearl in ~ the finish by switching it v a pearl shame rock. The pearl rock is top top the right side of the bottom of aqua grabber, opposite of the large clam.


3. Replace the pearl rock next to the pearl. Friend will require to provide the clam the pearl rock first. If friend don’t, the clam will certainly eat you.


In those 3 easy steps, you will certainly of completed the an initial level.

Use the adhering to club penguin cheats to finish level 2 that aqua grabber.

1. Pick up all the kegs the cream soda and bring them to the network at the top. Leave the ones v plants on because that later.


2. Once you have gathered sufficient kegs, the tree will relocate when you get close come them. This will permit you to gain closer.


3. As soon as you have finished clearing the top, go to the area in i beg your pardon the bubbles are coming from. Be sure to watch the end for the blow fish.

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4. Save going down and be certain to avoid the huge blow fish. Pick up the treausure in ~ the bottom, and also bring it come the top. You will certainly then success the game.