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A bridge kickover is a starting person gymnastics skill that can be really amazing when you first learn exactly how to perform one. It’s one of the very first skills a gymnast learns where she is upside down. It’s also a requirement in the level 2 floor routine. When the bridge kickover is the basis of a ago walkover, through a bridge kickover you deserve to either start standing up and also lean backwards into a bridge, or start from a leg on the ground.
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In order to learn exactly how to do a leg kickover, friend will require to have actually the back and shoulder versatility to do a bridge (learn more about versatility in gymnasts). In addition to having actually the flexibility, girlfriend will require to have actually the best muscle strength. In this write-up we talk about some exercises to combine the muscles you need, together with some drills you deserve to do to help you learn a leg kickover.
Once you’ve mastered a bridge kickover, gain the leg Kickover society Certificate.

Bridge Kickover action by Step
Here is a leg kickover step by step.
1. Start in a Bridge: In this action you should be pushing your body forwards towards your shoulders.

2. Kick Your leading Leg: The next step in a bridge kickover is to kick your leading leg turn off the ground. (In the picture her leg need to be straight.)

3. Separation Handstand: In the center of the bridge kickover, you need to be in a handstand v your legs in a split. During this action you should be squeezing her legs tight and also pushing with your shoulders.

4. Bar out the the handstand: Push through your shoulders in bespeak to manage your bridge kickover ending, for this reason you deserve to lever or “T” out of your handstand.

5. Land it: floor your leg kickover in a lunge and also then end up with her arms up.

Muscles You require for a bridge Kickover

Core: you need solid core stomach muscle to carry out a bridge kickover because they space what pull her legs up off the ground.
Arms: You need arm muscles solid enough that they can hold your body up during the middle of the kickover.
Legs: You require some leg toughness to kick her leg turn off the ground in order to kickover.
Exercises You have the right to Do in ~ Home
Handstand Hold: You have the right to practice holding a handstand come strengthen your arms, for when they need to support you throughout your leg kickover. If you can’t hold a handstand an extremely long without support, you deserve to practice them versus a wall. You deserve to either do a handstand through your stomach facing the wall, or your stomach facing away indigenous the wall. Make sure to squeeze her core, butt and legs.

Lunges: Doing some lunges come strengthen your leg muscles will certainly mimic the movement of one foot pushing turn off the floor come kickover. To carry out a lunge, stand v your foot together and also your hands on your hips (you don’t have to use weights choose the girl in the picture). Your back should be straight and you should be looking in front of you. Action one foot forward and also bend both legs till your back leg is almost touching the floor and your prior thigh is parallel come the floor. Make sure your prior knee is over your ankle, and also that your back knee doesn’t touch the floor. Stand up and repeat v the various other leg.

Bridge Kickover Drills
Bridge Kickover off a Mat: A helpful method to learn exactly how to carry out a bridge kickover is to exercise them off a mat. Lie on your back next to a urgent up panel mat, v your target close come the edge. Placed your feet top top the sheet of the dashboard mat and also push up right into a bridge. Then shot to kickover. When you have actually learned how to kickover top top the increased surface, girlfriend can gradually lower the dashboard mat by un-folding it.
Bridge Kickover down a Wedge Mat: Another way to practice doing a leg kickover before you have the right to do that on the floor, is to do it down a wedge mat. Push up into a bridge from lying down on a wedge mat and also kickover.
Tools for learning a bridge Kickover
Here is some that the gymnastics equipment detailed above to assist you discover a bridge kickover.

Panel Mat– A dashboard mat is valuable to do a raised bridge kickover.
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Wedge Mat– A great way to discover a bridge kickover is by doing one down a wedge mat.

Having the strength necessary and then practicing the above bridge kickover drills space the crucial steps come learn just how to perform a bridge kickover. And also after you have learned a leg kickover friend will have learned the communication of a back walkover and be top top your way to learning much more advanced an abilities in the future!