Liters and milliliters are metric units of volume which are used to measure up the volume of a liquid. The volume of a fluid can be measured in milliliters, centiliters, liters and also kiloliters. Though every these units represent the exact same quantity, their worths differ. In this page, us will discover the relation in between liters and also milliliters and the conversion between these units.

You are watching: How many milliliters make a liter

1.What is Liter?
2.What is Milliliter?
3.How to transform Liters come Milliliters?
4.Solved instances on Liters come Milliliters
5.Practice questions on Liters come Milliliters
6.FAQs top top Liters to Milliters

What is Liter?

Liter is a simple metric unit which is used to measure up the volume of liquids and also is same to one cubic decimeter (1 liter = 1 dm³). A liter is denoted v the letter "l" or L. The water pitcher in the following number shows that it has actually a volume of 1 liter.


What is Milliliter?

A milliliter is a smaller metric unit the represents the volume or the volume of a liquid. It is used to measure a smaller amount of liquid and is equal to a thousandth the a liter (1 liter = 1000 milliliters). A milliliter is denoted with an abbreviation - ml or mL. Observe the following number which shows 1000 ml of water. Keep in mind that the is the same quantity as shown in the previous figure (1 liter) i m sorry is currently expressed in milliliters.


How to convert Liters to Milliliters?

We know that 1 litre = 1000 ml, hence, the conversion element that is supplied to transform liters to millilters is 1000. 

To convert liters come milliliters, us multiply the provided quantity by 1000. For example, let us convert 6 liters to milliliters. So, 6 × 1000 = 6000 ml. Therefore, 6 liters = 6000 milliliters.However, it have to be provided that to transform milliliters come liters, we division the offered quantity through 1000. For example, allow us transform 7000 milliliters come liters. So, 7000 ÷ 1000 = 7 liters. Therefore, 7000 milliliters = 7 liters.


Important Notes

Unit conversion is an essential part of measurement and units space converted using the exactly conversion factor of the quantity.1 liter is same to 1000 milliliters, 0.264 gallon, 1.0566 quarts, 2.1133 pint and also 1 kilogram

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Solved examples on Liters come Milliliters

Example 1: transform the following.a) 25 together to mLb) 18 together to mLc) 13 mL come gramsd) 1 Liter to kgSolution

a) 25 L = 25 × 1,000 = 25,000 mL

b) 18 L = 18 × 1,000 = 18,000 mL

c) 13 mL = 13 × 1 = 13 g

d) 1 L = 1 × 1 = 1 kg

Example 2: Joe to buy a hand sanitizer. The bottle includes 2,500 ml of fluid content. How can this be expressed in liters?

Solution:2,500 ml = 2,500 ÷ 1,000 = 2.5 lTherefore, the Sanitizer bottle contains 2.5 liters that liquid.

Example 3: Ross to buy 3 cans of orange juice the 1 liter each. He drank 1,500 mL the juice. Exactly how much ml that juice is left in the cans?


1 can = 1 liter3 cans = 3 liter3 cans had actually = 3 × 1,000 = 3,000 ml the orange juiceThe quantity of juice left = 3,000 ml - 1,500 ml = 1,500 mlTherefore, 1,500 ml that juice is left.

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FAQs ~ above Liters come Milliliters

Is 1 l the same as 750 ml?

No, 1L = 1000 ml and 750 ml = 0.75 l.

Is 1 together the very same as 1000 mL?

Yes, 1 together = 1000 ml. Though both litres (l) and also milliliters (ml) stand for the exact same quantity, their worths differ.

What is 1 Liter of water in ml?

1 Liter the water is same to 1000 ml the water.

What is a Liter?

A liter is a an easy metric unit i m sorry is provided to measure up the capacity of liquids and is equal to one cubic decimeter. That is denoted v an abbreviation l or L. It is slightly much more than a quart.

What is a Milliliter?

A milliliter is a smaller metric unit the represents the volume or the capacity of a liquid. It is offered to measure a smaller quantity of liquid and also is equal to a thousandth of a liter. That is denoted with an abbreviation ml or mL.

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How do you Convert Liters to Milliliters?

To convert liters to milliliters, we multiply the offered value by 1000 due to the fact that 1 liter = 1000 ml. For example, to convert 5 liters to milliliters, 5 × 1000 = 5000 ml.