If girlfriend are new to cards, you might not recognize how plenty of black cards room in a deck that 52 cards. We will answer that inquiry in this post and what every the black color cards are, and also how they work-related in a deck.

You are watching: How many black cards are in a deck of 52


All the black cards in a deck total 26. This is 13 spades and also 13 clubs.
There room 26 black cards in a deck the cards. This is because there are two black color suits, the Spades and the Clubs. Each suit in a deck has 13 value cards the go through the suit.These worth cards room the Ace through King. They are in the order,


Since there room two black color suits, and each suit has 13 cards each. Then, 13*2 gives us the total variety of black cards in a deck being 26.There space 26 black color cards in a deck the 52 cards.

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What are all the black color Cards in Deck the Cards?

All that the 26 black cards in a deck are as follows:


Ace of Spades2 the Spades3 of Spades4 the Spades5 the Spades6 the Spades7 the Spades8 the Spades9 of Spades10 the SpadesJack the SpadesQueen that SpadesKing of Spades


Ace the Clubs2 of Clubs3 that Clubs4 of Clubs5 the Clubs6 the Clubs7 of Clubs8 that Clubs9 the Clubs10 the ClubsJack that ClubsQueen that ClubsKing of Clubs

These room all 26 black color cards in a deck of 52 cards.

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