You are watching: How man ounces in a quart
You see, liquid ounces are various than ounces. Ounces space a unit that weight, andfluid ounces room a unit of volume.
If girlfriend don"t understand what that means, or why it"s important, you will certainly by the moment you"re done reading this article.
(Our counter tables will be a big help, too.)
Go right to switch Charts
Go right to Conversion tool link
Table Of materials (click come expand)
Part 1: summary of Measuring ingredients (And Why It"s Confusing)
The English System and the Metric System
Weight and also Volume: What"s the Difference and Why Is that Important?
What Is Weight?
What Is Volume (or Area)?
Why Is It necessary to recognize the Difference?
Water: exactly how Ounces and Fluid Ounces are Related
Part 2: exactly how to Measure and also Weigh ingredients (With Videos!)
How to measure up Dry Ingredients
Use a scale Whenever Possible
How to usage Dry measure Cups
What If the cooking recipes Doesn"t provide Weights?
How to measure Liquids
How to usage Liquid measure up Cups
What around Eggs and Butter?
Why Is the Metric device Better?
Why using a range Is Easier
What About small Amounts?
Part 3: Printable conversion Charts and Converter Tool
Liquid/Volume Conversion graph (English and also Metric)
Weight Conversion chart (English and also Metric)
Conversion Chart: Weights of conventional Ingredients
Converter Tool
Final Thoughts
Part 1: an introduction of Measuring ingredients (And Why It"s Confusing)
The English System and the Metric System
Skip this section if you know the differenceProbably the broadest overview to start with is that there are two main systems of measurement: the English (also referred to as "Imperial") system and also the Metric system.
Most nations use the metric system. Liberia, Myanmar, and the United states use the English system.
The English mechanism is based on archaic standards such as the size of the king"s foot (a foot). The brother switched come the metric system in 1965, yet the united state still uses their English system.
For cooking and baking in the US, the biggest repercussion is the if you find a cooking recipes written external the US, you need to know exactly how to measure the metric units, or transform them come the English system.
The Metric System, likewise called the global System of units (abbreviated "SI"), is a decimal system, definition that it"s based upon multiples that 10. It started in France in the so late 18th century ("SI" means Systéme International).
Though the metric system has not to be officially adopted yet, product weights or quantities in the united state are provided in both English and metric units, and much more and much more American recipes also list both units. (Recipes from external the united state usually have actually only metric units.)
In various other words, that has become easy (in many instances) to use either system also in the US. Why? The metric device is much more accurate, easier to use, and easier to transform to various other units 보다 the English system. It"s additionally the around the world recognized system, provided by scientists, doctors, researchers, and other public representative the civilization over (yes, also in the US).
Now the you know the two equipment of measure up we run under in the US, let"s look at weight and also volume.
Weight and Volume: What"s the Difference and Why Is the Important?

Let"s go earlier to the simple question: how plenty of ounces space in a quart?
There"s an error in the question itself becauseounces room a unit of weight, and quarts space a unit that volume.
A lot of civilization use "ounce" and "fluid ounce" interchangeably, together if they average the exact same thing. Yet they don"t, except in one special case: water. (We"ll define this in a minute.)
If you"re confused, you"re no alone. You have the right to blame whoever thought it to be a good idea to give two various units of measure up the same name; that course it"s confusing. (Although once you understand their relationship, you"ll see that it sort of provides sense.)
It will help to walk this factoid come memory:When someone refers to the variety of ounces in a quart (or various other unit of volume such as pint, gallon, cup, etc.), that is assumed that they median "fluid ounces." In which case, the answer is always 32, no matter what fluid you"re talk about.
There space 32fluidounces in a quart. But many ounces the quart weighs relies on the kind of liquid it is (e.g., food preparation oil is going to have actually a different weight 보다 milk).
This is the difference in between weight and volume: weight (ounces) measures mass, and Volume actions area.
What Is Weight?It could seem like a dumb question, but defining weight will aid us recognize the difference in between weigt and also volume.
Technically, load is the lot of gravitational pressure that plot upon one object. Weight actions how heavy things is."Mass" is often used interchangeably for "weight," and also for our functions on planet Earth, that"s fine: mass and weight are essentially the same thing: they measure the heaviness of one object.
English devices of weight:In the English system, the most essential units of weight for cooking and baking are ounces and also pounds, abbreviated "oz." and also "lb" respectively.
Metric systems of weight:In the metric system, the most essential units of load for cooking and also baking room grams and kilograms, abbreviated "g" and also "kg" respectively.
In general, weight is used to measure solids in a recipe: flour, salt, pepper, sugar, chocolate, etc.
You can measure the weights of liquids, too, and this is periodically useful. However in recipes, liquids are almost always provided in volume (true for both English and metric systems).
What Is Volume (or Area)?Volume is the lot of an are an thing occupies. Objects can weigh the same however have different volumes. A popular example is a lb of feather vs. A pound of lead: castle both sweet a pound, but the feathers are going to have a much larger volume 보다 the lead: that takes alot of feathers to make up a pound, while the takes a tiny amount of command to make up a pound.
English systems of volume:In the English system, most units in recipes are volume: teaspoons ("tsp"), tablespoons ("T"), cup ("C"), pints ("pt"), quarts ("qt"), gallons ("gal"), and also fluid ounces ("fl. Oz.") are all units of volume.
Note likewise that, as we said above, if a cooking recipes calls for a liquid in ounces, you have the right to assume it way fluid ounces and measure by volume; this will be correct at least 99% the the time.
Metric devices of volume:In the metric system, the most vital units the volume for cooking and baking room milliliters ("ml") and also liters ("l").
You may additionally sometimes see "cc" in the metric system. This was standing forcubic centimeter,a unit the volume indistinguishable to a milliliter.
Why Is It vital to understand the Difference?Volume is offered to measure up liquids, yet as you can see, the is also commonly used to measure everythingin recipes in the English device (e.g., teaspoons, tablespoons, and also cups). You may not have provided this much thought, however if you"re utilizing teaspoons, tablespoons and cups in your recipes, you"re making use of volume--and there"s a great reason why this isn"t always the best method to measure up ingredients.
Weight is an ext accurate than volume for dry ingredients. so if you use volume measurements in your recipes and want to be a better cook--or particularly a much better baker--you should discover when to usage weight instead.
Just make this one change, native volume to weight, will significantly improve your baking, and also it deserve to improve your cooking, too.
Measuring flour is a element example: depending upon how you scoop and also level it, a cup of all-purpose flour deserve to weigh everywhere from 120g come 180g. That"s a large difference!
However, if girlfriend weigh your flour, friend will always use the exact same amount; no matter exactly how you scoop it out of the bin, no matter exactly how compacted or fluffed up it is, it"s always going to it is in the right amount if you sweet it.
This is a large game changer!
If you"ve ever before wondered why your cakes or cookies revolve out dry, it"s probably due to the fact that you"re measuring your flour through volume.
Water: how Ounces and Fluid Ounces room Related
Ounces and also fluid ounces aren"t completely unrelated. Because that water, they room the very same measurement: an oz of water is equivalent to a fluid ounce the water. Or in other words, one fluid ounce of water weighs one ounce.
This is a convenient truth you deserve to use in your cooking and also baking. If a recipe calls because that water or a liquid close come the thickness of water (e.g., milk, orange juice) in ounces, you have the right to use any type of measuring cup and also know that you"re measuring out specific amount.
In fact, most liquids room going to it is in close sufficient that making use of weight or volume won"t make a huge change come a recipe.
It also works for numerous solids, which is why volume is together a popular means to write recipes in the English system: most civilization find that it"s an ext convenient than pulling out a scale, i m sorry they believe adds a step to every measurement. (More on the in a minute.)
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The best means to measure up dry ingredient is by weight. That way that you require a scale.
This might seem favor a pain, one extra and also unnecessary step. However weighing ingredients is the only way to ensure exact amounts.
It"s more important for some ingredients than for others. Flour is among the most crucial things to weigh because volume measures have the right to vary therefore much. Yet you"ll additionally benefit indigenous weighing ingredients prefer salt, sugar, spices, yeast and more.
In general, weighing is extremely accurate, and will produce much better results in recipes.
Whether making use of ounces or grams, weighing is better.
Here"s a 5 minute video from America"s check Kitchen around using scales, as well as the finest ones to buy (they choose the same one us like, the 11 lb OXO great Grips):
The OXO an excellent Grips scale has actually been updated, and it currently weighs ounces in decimals quite than fractions. This isn"t as good a system because you can"t weigh to an eighth or a 4 minutes 1 of an ounce; this is unfortunate since when utilizing ounces, girlfriend really want those fractions. So, we recommend you shot to find an enlarge model, or go with the larger one (22 lb) for around $20 more; this one still has fractions.
Once you get the hang of making use of a scale, it"s easy. You have the right to tare the end a bowl (that is, put the key on the scale and set it to "Zero") and just weigh every little thing into it, taring after ~ every addition so girlfriend don"t have to do any type of math in your head.
How to usage Dry measuring CupsWe choose this set of dry measuring cups from Laxinis: it contains 3/4 and also 2/3 cups and 1.5 Tablespoon and also 1.5 teaspoon--all dimensions you"ll check out often--and the square form of the spoons are less complicated (than round) to fit into spice bottles. The cup have flat handles for easy leveling (very important!) and they space heavy sufficient to stand up also when empty.
Here"s anotherstainless steel collection that contains a leveler, pasta measures, and also a coffee spoon. If you need all that, it"s a an excellent deal.
What If the recipe Doesn"t carry out Weights?Most recipes today carry out both volume and also weight measurements. Because that example, a recipe will contact for one cup the flour and then in parentheses provide the weight, prefer this:
1 C all-purpose flour (4.25 oz.).
Or, the will offer the load in grams:
1 C all-purpose flour (125g).
Many recipes perform both English and metric weights:
1 C all-purpose flour (4.25 oz., 125g).
If a baking cooking recipes doesn"t carry out weight measurements, just follow the volume measurements as carefully as possible. Clock the video clip above for guidance on how to measure up dry ingredient by volume.
We"ll include that if you"re no tied to the recipe--if it"s brand-new to girlfriend or no a favorite--you may want to think about finding a different recipe. We"re serious around this, particularly for net recipes: if a website doesn"t provide weights and volumes, it"s one indication the the cooking recipes writer may not be an extremely conscientious.
Of course, this doesn"t use to old household recipes passed under for generations, or recipes the end of enlarge cookbooks (such as your mom"s hand-me-down edition ofJoy the Cooking). In this case, just use the measurements as given (using the proper volume-measuring techniques), or transform the volumes to weights so you deserve to use your scale. (We promise, as soon as you obtain the cave of it, you"re going to love utilizing a scale.)
To transform volume come weight, you can use among our handy conversion charts at the bottom that the page--it"s a lot easier than you probably think the is.
How to measure up Liquids
Nearly all recipes have actually liquid amounts in volume. And if the unit is ounces, you deserve to assume it method fluid ounces.If a liquid is detailed in grams or pounds, climate you know you have to weigh it rather of using a measure up cup.
For best results, you need to have the exactly measuring cups for liquids and also you have to know how to read them. Here"s an additional short (one minute) video from Food Network that shows you just how to measure liquids; it"s not hard, but there is a right means to do it:
The most vital tip in the video is to view the cup in ~ eye level: looking under at that from over will give you the dorn reading.
Note also that measure up spoons are used for both dry and also liquid ingredient (e.g., salt and vanilla extract). Measuring spoons occupational fine because that tiny amounts--but for finest results, measure up over a key or the sink.
If a recipe has liquids listed by weight (fluid ounces or grams), you simply use the exact same procedure together you would certainly for measuring dried ingredients: put a key on the scale, tare it, and pour in the liquid.
Or, assume that ounces room close sufficient to liquid ounces that the recipe will be well (true because that liquids which have around the same density as water).
How to usage Liquid measuring CupsYou deserve to see right away the liquid measure cups have actually a very different design than dried measuring cups:
They have actually a spout (for pouring)They"re clear (or have a clean panel) for this reason you deserve to level the fluid to the fill line easily (and check out it at eye level)They are marked so you have the right to use them because that several quantities (dry measure cups space meant to be filled and leveled)The measurements don"t go up to the peak (so friend won"t spill)They"re significant in multiple units: cups, ounces (fluid ounces, remember), and milliliters/liters.You donot want to fill a fluid measuring cup to the top since it deserve to slosh out and also cause both a mess and also an inaccurate amount.
We choose glass for liquid measuring because it holds up well and doesn"t scratch choose plastic can, therefore it continues to be easy come read. The collection from Amazon Basics shown above has every little thing you need. If you don"t think you"ll use a 64 oz. Measure up cup (that"s 8 cups, or half a gallon), the collection below is a much better option (or you deserve to click end to Amazon to shop--there room a lot of options).
We recommend the you buy a set with in ~ least a 4-cup, a 2-cup, and also a 1-cup measure. You might be tempted to just gain the big one and use it because that everything, but your dimensions will be more accurate if you usage a measure cup closest to the lot you"re measuring.
Plastic has actually advantages, too: the won"t break, it"s much easier to store, and also it"s less expensive 보다 glass. If you choose plastic,these oval shame cups are a great choice:
What about Eggs and Butter?
Most recipes provide the egg amount in number of eggs or whites and also yolks. This deserve to be inaccurate due to the fact that eggs differ so much in size, even among eggs the the same grade (e.g., medium, large, extra large, etc.).
If a recipe simply asks because that a variety of eggs, the assumption is that you"re usinglargeeggs. If you don"t have large eggs, you"ll just have to guess at how much that the bigger or smaller sized eggs to use.
More and also more, recipes contact for egg by weight. This is helpful since you have the right to use precise amount of egg.
If a recipe calls for an ext than just a number of eggs, it can be written in Tablespoons, ounces, milliliters, or grams. Native Wikipedia:
One huge egg (without shell) = 3.25T = 2 oz = 57g = 46ml. Keep in mental these space approximate because the size of egg will vary slightly--and, the these dimensions will be various for eggs of different sizes.
One medium egg (without shell)= 3 T = 1.75 oz = 49.6g = 43ml.
If you want an ext information, here"s a an excellent article about big eggs in baking.
Butter is actually very easy to use. Most butter wrappers have measurements so you can just cut off the quantity of butter that you need.
One conventional stick the butter = 0.5 C = 4 oz = 0.25 lb = 110g.
Why Is the Metric system Better?
Just together measuring by weight will boost your cooking and baking, convert to the metric system--using grams instead of ounces--will additionally improve it.
Metric units space smaller. Therefore your measurements will be an ext precise. For example, over there are around 28 grams in an ounce, so grams room much an ext accurate 보다 ounces, or also quarter and half ounces.
Also, since the metric device is based on multiples that 10, it"s much easier to carry out conversions (just relocate the decimal point). This is true because that both volume and also weight measurements in the metric system.
Weight and volume are very closely related in the metric system. Just as a fluid ounce of water weighs one ounce, a milliliter the water weighs a gram--so you have actually the same an easy relationship, other than the systems are much smaller and therefore much more accurate.
Once girlfriend memorize these vital points, the metric mechanism is super straightforward to use. Whether it"s load (grams) or volume (milliliters), it"s always multiples of 10.
Why making use of a range Is EasierIf you"re used to using teaspoons, tablespoons and cups, it may seem prefer a substantial hassle to pull out a scale.
It"s an extra step.
Only that isn"t; no really.
Here"s why.
Put her bowl on a scale and also tare (zero) it. Add an ingredient and tare the again. Repeat till you"ve include all of your ingredients.
If friend remember that fluid ounces are equivalent to ounces formost liquids, you can use the same method.
So, one bowl, and also no measuring cups (though you may want to measure out little amounts prefer teaspoons). That"s nice easy!
What About tiny Amounts?For baking in particular, once you"re in the habit that weighing, friend will want to weigh everything. You"ll probably want to begin weighing her salt and spices rather of making use of teaspoons and tablespoons. This means that you"ll require a gram scale. Friend may also want part weighing boats, which make it straightforward to work-related with tiny amounts of ingredients.
As through volume measure up cups, using the range meant for the dimension you"re weighing will produce more accurate results. Teaspoons and tablespoons work-related for numerous recipes, however for others, you"ll want to use a gram scale.
Also, weighing eradicates any issues with, for example, the size of the salt crystals: while a tespoon of fine-grained salt won"t occupational in a cooking recipes calling because that coarse-grained salt (it will certainly be means too salty!), 5g functions for any kind of salt. You"ll always use the right amount if you walk by weight.
See more: 11) How Many Hydrogen Atoms Are In 35.0 Grams Of Hydrogen Gas?
You may think you"ll hate having to use 2 scales once you bake, however you"ll appreciate the accuracy that provides and also the substantial improvement in your baking.