Recipe claims to bake entirety chicken uncovered 250 degrees F for 5 hrs or until done. Have the right to I shorten the bake time if I rise the heat to 350 levels F? if so just how long go it need to bake?


Yes, you can.

You are watching: How long to cook chicken at 250 degrees

In fact, one of the biggest, ever before so frequently repeated mantras right here is:

Don"t identify doneness with a watch, use a thermometer!

Measure at the thickest component of the thigh, not poignant the bone. If you have reached at least 165°F or 75°C, her chicken is done.

Of course, the hotter her oven, the crispier the skin will certainly be and the higher the danger of burning some parts, so inspect your chicken periodically and tent with aluminum silver paper if necessary. That said, 350°F / 175°C is a perfect reasonable temperature to roast a chicken.

I won"t and also can"t provide you a time to roasted the chicken, partly since I don"t know how large your bird is and what temperature it to be at the start, due to the fact that I don"t know how reliable your stove thermostat is and over all: due to the fact that only a thermometer deserve to guarantee the the meat got to a for sure temperature.

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edited Sep 19 "16 at 15:24
reply Sep 19 "16 in ~ 15:19

52.8k66 gold badges152152 silver badges191191 bronze title
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You absolutely can chef the chicken in ~ 350 yet you will certainly not gain the same result. 250 for five hours will certainly get an extremely tender, falling off the bones result as it allows time for the muscle yarn to fully relax and soften. 350 for an hour to two hours will just be an simple cooked chicken.

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answer Sep 23 "16 in ~ 22:06

Charlie MCharlie M
6122 bronze badges
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Hmm, never heard of food preparation chicken at 250 degrees. When a entirety chicken at 350, you just time the a half hour every pound; so,say a 3 lb bird would take one hour and also a half. If the chicken is stuffed, make certain to include at the very least 15-20 minutes to the food preparation time... And check doneness through a thermometer because that safety!!

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reply Sep 21 "16 in ~ 22:34

Cynthia LewisCynthia Lewis
4755 bronze badges
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I as soon as wanted to thaw a frozen chicken. Ns usually rotate the stove on and when that reaches 250 degrees turn it off and put whatever you want to thaw. Come earlier an hour or 2 later and it will be perfect thawed. However, ns threw the chicken in, forgot to rotate off the warm went the end for the day and fully forgot around it. I came house to the finest roast chicken I"ve had to this day. The legs to be hanging peaceful from the body the skin to be crisp and also perfect and it wasn"t even seasoned. This evening I"m walking to cook at 250 since it"s too warm to cook during the day for 2 hrs in ~ 350.

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answer Jul 31 "19 in ~ 3:21

Richard huntRichard hunt
911 bronze argorial
nice anecdote, however it does no answer the question have the right to I shorten the bake time if I boost the warmth to 350 F?
Jul 31 "19 in ~ 7:55

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