Given below is the flight time indigenous Houston, United states to Chicago, unified States. Flight time calculator to calculate time taken to reach Chicago from Houston by air. The nearest airport to Houston is George bush Intercontinental plane (IAH) and the nearest airport come Chicago is Midway airport (MDW)

Flight time indigenous Houston come Chicago is 2 hrs 25 minutes

Non-Stop trip duration from IAH to ORD is 2 hrs 25 minutes (Operated through American Airlines)

Non-stop trip time is around 2 hours 45 minutes.

Quickest one-stop trip takes close come 5 hours.

You are watching: How long is a flight from houston to chicago

However, part airlines could take as long as 33 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.

Non-stop trip time from United claims (IAH) to United says (MDW) by various airlines

Most the the flights by significant airlines departing native Houston come at Midway Airport. Chicago is served by 1 international airports.

IAH ➝ ORD 2 hours 25 minutes
Qatar airways
IAH ➝ ORD 2 hrs 30 minutes
US airways
IAH ➝ ORD 2 hours 30 minutes
Aer Lingus
IAH ➝ ORD 2 hrs 35 minutes
Hainan airlines
IAH ➝ ORD 2 hrs 35 minutes
Japan airline

Number of Airports in Chicago :1 worldwide Airport variety of Airports in Houston :1 global Airport

Distance in between Houston, United states & Chicago, United states is 1480 Kilo Meters

Flight time indigenous Houston come Chicago via Detroit, MI • IAH come MDW via DTW

Flight duration from George bush Intercontinental Airport come Midway airplane via Detroit city Wayne county Airport, United states on Delta waiting Lines trip is 4 hrs 40 minute

IAH come DTW2 hrs 45 mins DTWWaiting Time35 mins DTW to MDW1 hr 20 mins Total Duration:4 hrs 40 mins

Flight time native Houston come Chicago via Detroit, MI • IAH come MDW via DTW

Flight duration from George bush Intercontinental Airport come Midway airplane via Detroit urban Wayne county Airport, United says on United Airlines flight is 12 hours 54 minutes

IAH to DTW2 hrs 56 mins DTWWaiting Time8 hrs 33 mins DTW to MDW1 hr 25 mins Total Duration:12 hrs 54 mins

No tradition Content.

Flight time indigenous Houston, United claims to airports near Chicago, joined States

Direct flight and one stop trip time from George shrub Intercontinental Airport, Houston come airports nearest come Chicago is provided in the table below

JourneyDestination AirportsDurationStops
IAH - GRBGreen Bay, Austin-straubel field Airport 5 hrs 55 mins 1 protect against
IAH - SPISpringfield, funding Airport 6 hrs 24 mins 1 prevent
IAH - BMIBloomington/Normal, IL, main Illinois local Airport in ~ Bloomington-Normal airport 4 hrs 38 mins 1 protect against
IAH - GRRGrand Rapids, Kent County worldwide Airport 2 hrs 37 mins Non-Stop
IAH - MSNMadison, Dane County regional Airport 4 hrs 43 mins 1 protect against

Airlines operation flights between Houston and Chicago

Houston and Chicago room in the very same timezone America/Chicago

Current time in Houston / Chicago, United says : Sun, 21 Nov, 2021,Houston Timezone: CST (-06:00)

10:19 pm

Flight Time in between Houston & Chicago • IAH - MDW flight Duration

How long is the trip from Houston to Chicago? What is the Houston - Chicago flight duration? What is the paris time from Houston to Chicago? find answer to this questions...

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IAH to MDW flight - Houston Airport come Chicago Airport flight Route Map

The airports map listed below shows the location of Houston plane & Chicago Airport. Know the flight direction and also Houston to Chicago trip path

Houston - Lat: 29.987, Long: -95.3422 Chicago - Lat: 41.7883, Long: -87.7407

Load Map

Find trip time indigenous George shrub Intercontinental Airport or Houston or any type of other airplane or city in United says to assorted other destinations about the people using this flight time calculator.

A list of major Cities/Airports approximately the world is offered below. Click on any type of of the airport names given listed below to discover the flight distance indigenous Houston come those airports.

Find flight time from George shrub Intercontinental Airport or Houston or any type of other plane or city in United states to various other destinations around the people using this flight time calculator.