For mine Spanish class in highschool we space tasked to movie a video clip of oneself demonstrating a sport we like to do. I determined skateboarding since its the only thing i can show properly.

You are watching: How do you say skateboard in spanish

From various sources i get various terms for skateboarding and I am not certain what to usage for the video. For some context it's supposed to simply sound choose a typical conversation to check our fluency, so i assume the term "monopatín" could be too formal because that casual conversation? Some resources say skateboard (with Spanish pronunciation), the others are monopatín and patineta. Would certainly I likewise need to say "hago skateboard" or "Monopatinaje" when referring come the activity?


Well, I'm costa rican and also I've constantly heard "skateboarding" v spanish pronunciation, together you said. However, depending on the sentence "andar en patineta" is provided too, at least here. And also you're right, "monopatín" is as well formal; "hago skateboard" is common too.

ajá digamos que yo en la vida nunca the escuchado "monopatín" xd

aquí en Belén nunca se escucha "skateboarding"... Solo el "andar en patineta". Excepto cuando uno se refiere a los que andan en patineta como "skater", eso sí se escucha entre jóvenes :u

I remember as soon as skateboarding had a substantial boom in Mexico throughout late 90's at an early stage 2000's civilization would contact it "patinaje", the verb being "patinar". Skateboard in Mexico is "patineta" or in a much more colloquial way "tabla" (board), however I wouldn't use that word for a presentation.

"Skatepark" would be "Parque de patinaje", I'm no really sure.

If you desire to speak I carry out skateboard, I would certainly say "Yo ando en patineta".

In Spain

Skateboard: Monopatín (is not formal is just exactly how it's called). Patinete or Patín (It sound childish and also old fashioned and can likewise refer to rollers or absent scooters). You can likewise say "Tabla" (board) or simply "skate" (with the english pronunciation)

Skateboarding: Patinar or skate too

Thanks, yet then again different world are informing me different things here...

I'm fear if ns say anything through an English pronunciation I'll get significant down. I'm gonna stick through your advice though as I discovered most translations refer to patinete as simply skated in general? I adhered to the Wikipedia page also.

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