This is particularly crazy bc the brand TEVA is the share of the generic……… additionally please be very careful, there are a the majority of fake pills floating around. They"re also making fake 10/325 M523 which are Acetaminophen and Oxycodone Hydrochloride 325 mg / 10 mgity. In Brooklyn, NY 15mg TEVA 833 will price a human being $15-$20, in Queens, NY 15mg TEVA 833 will expense a person from $8 (bulk prices, entirety sale) - $15.
Brooklyn, NY 30mg TEVA 834 price a person $30 - $35, in Queens, NY 30mg TEVA 834 will cost a person from $25 (bulk prices, entirety sale) - $30
This is particularly crazy bc the brand TEVA is the generic of the generic……… also please be an extremely careful, there space a the majority of fake pills floating around.
Acetaminophen and Oxycodone Hydrochloride 325 mg / 10 mgAcetaminophen and also Oxycodone Hydrochloride 325 mg / 10 mg
Anonymous ∙
Lvl 1
∙ 1y ago
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