Here"s the actual stats Muarim will be contributing. Not unreasonably, the game won"t let girlfriend mess around with the Demi tape mid-mission; so us equip it in ~ the Base.
What friend see right here is a steel Lance through +5 Mt, -3 Wt and +20 Hit, and also it"s still cheaper than either of ours previous stole forges. That"s miscellaneous of a problem with the device this video game uses because that pricing Forges; as result of the way the Numbers in Fire Emblem work, adding +5 Mt come a weapon with 1 Mt gives you simply as much advantage as including +5 Mt come a weapon through 10 Mt, also though one is a 500% increase and also one is a 50% increase. Five well!
We"re calling that What? due to the fact that Oscar isn"t coming on this mission, Nephenee"s walking to organize onto it because that now... And make pretty fantastic use of it, too, because it simply so wake up to be light sufficient for she to wield without penalty.
Makalov"s getting the knight Ward this mission, and he can additionally use Rhys! since he arguably needs it. Also, ns buy a couple of Pure Waters. They might come in handy. Oh, and also Astrid gets to usage 1000 Needles because Rolf"s no coming.Some BEXP prior to we go!
Quite acceptable!
Pretty reasonable!
Alright, let"s carry out this.
Jill leader the charge. She"s not going to gain a relaxed turn in a while, therefore she offers a Pure Water incase the foe Mages decision to move.It"s not instantly obvious, but we have actually a tiny small bit of a time constraint ~ above us. Much more on the later.
We move up, and end turn.
In a continuation of a theme mentioned earlier, because Nephenee"s already using What? and Marcia isn"t coming, Jill takes increase Gandhichan. I find this a tad amusing since Jill didn"t rotate out very well for gandhichan, and also yet... For the matter, she"s no doing so great for me, either, but... Well...
...she does it seems to be ~ to be performing awfully competently.
Makalov, on the various other hand, is gaining doubled.
Of every the enemies, only the 2 Fighters and also one Myrmidon make any type of kind of move towards us at all. This is annoying.
Jill finishes turn off one Myrmidon and moves ahead to bait the following two enemies. Mia weakens the Fighter that rushed united state so Astrid have the right to kill him.
Meanwhile, Tormod more weakens the second Myrmidon...
So Makalov deserve to take the kill.
Volke is surprisingly an excellent at finishing turn off weakened Myrmidons. Their low defence method that Volke v his decent Strength can actually damage them, and also he"s got enough speed to keep up through them.
Times Jill has actually been hit this mission: 0
The 4th Myrmidon is using an Armorslayer, which death his as so dead the Makalov doubles him. And still the opponent mages don"t move.
So, Makalov cleans up...
I"m not actually doing this, yet I just wanted to display you what Muarim"s qualified of ideal now.
What Muarim actually does is wait here, come bait the enemy Mage.
Astrid provides her shiny obtained toy to virtually kill the Fighter (and, regardless of the odds, gets hit in return). Nephenee bring away the kill.
Hmm. I wonder. Volke has been strengthened v Ward, so will certainly the Mage go for him or because that Muarim?
Muarim wins! He"s no that great at handling mages, but he has actually so much HP that he have the right to eat a couple of attacks without much worry. The other enemies proceed to remain stationary, to my annoyance. What was every this around being notified to kill us, anyway?
As you can see, Tormod is not yet much good at handling enemy Mages.
So we have actually Nephenee weaken him first, climate Tormod kills him. For some reason, he drops a gambling scroll. Sure.
Now it"s Jill vs Volke in the "who"s a an ext tempting target" test.
Jill wins with a distinction, since she managed to tempt the opponent mage despite having both a Resistance buff and also a ranged weapon. She take away her first hit this mission. Good thing we had that Pure Water!Guess what the other adversaries didn"t perform this turn?
Makalov move in to take the end th-
Goddamnit Makalov.
Astrid cleans increase his chaos for him.
Looks unassuming, but I"ll take it it!
Continuing our foolish rush versus what the video game still hasn"t told us is our time constraint, Volke and Jill decision to bait an foe Knight. What deserve to go wrong?
Fortunately, stated Knight isn"t an extremely strong, and...
...Gandhichan gives Jill enough Atk to not be totally wasting she time counterattacking.
And below we go. An opponent Thief.This is the huge change (beside the marginal adversary stat boosts) that difficult Mode implements. Normally, this thief won"t display up till the end of revolve 8. Here, however, he reflects up after turn 5, long prior to we have any type of hope of getting to him (save for sending a unit charging ahead through the ceo area (god help you)). So currently we recognize what we"re increase against.Like the Desert mission, there room basically three goals you have the right to go for.1) get all the treasure2) recruitment this Devdan character3) complete in 8 turns and also get 400 BEXPDue to the method the map is laid out, it can not it is in feasible to carry out all three (especially if specific members of her team aren"t godly). In this case, it"s all I have the right to do to do 1 and also 2; a couple of BEXP doesn"t issue that much in the challenge of loot and MUST gain EVERYONE and all that.
Well, whaddya know, there"s another foolish Myrmidon through a knife that"s too heavy for him. Volke bring away advantage!
Thief animations are, together you have the right to probably imagine, fast, and also god damn the "dagger" is large. Seriously, that"s a shortsword at a minimum.
Jill continues pushing ahead...
While Tormod faces his best kind the target; a slow-ass low-Res Knight. The factor he"s attacking at melee range is since he wants to continue to be out of variety of the knight come the north - girlfriend know, the one that"s walk to end this revolve alive.
While this mad sirloin to intercept the adversary Thief is walking down, we have a sidequest because that the remainder of the gang.
Thieves aren"t the only human being who deserve to open doors, girlfriend see.
The different is to take it a nice strong weapon and also just break it the fuck down.Of course, the difficulty with doors is...
You don"t recognize what surprises space lurking past them. For this reason, the best approach to doors is to just open them v survivable devices who can deal with anything that can be behind them. Alternatively, you deserve to do what i did...
Which is to keep a nuclear option standing by. Our is Muarim.Helpfully, Killer Lance male drops a Chest Key, so us don"t even need to wait top top Volke in order come loot this room.
The other residents of this room room this Myrmidon and a Sniper. Astrid"ll it is in fine in here, especially since the Sniper will try and fight Muarim.
While everyone busies about, let"s have actually Makalov try and bait one of the Knights.
As ns thought. (He deals 1 damage)
No problem. Astrid actually has Defence now, remember?
This time, Makalov in reality succeeds in handle damage.
Seriously, Jill"s been rather ably dodging ingredient this mission.
Meanwhile, tick tock.
Also, these 2 assholes display up. It"s a poor idea to leave people hanging around the starting areas in Fire Emblem games.
When friend think around it, what Astrid"s doing below isn"t too different to just how you need to play bow-users in Elder Scrolls games. Zing
I think Astrid"s transforming out nice well! Don"t you?
Nephenee division out her new toy come demolish the Sniper, when Muarim it s okay looting. This is funny since we originally thought he to be a bandit, you see?
Makalov picks an additional fight with the Knight, every for...
Not a lot. Thin ice, mate.
You, too.
Ike comes over to help Jill and also Volke press ahead.
While Ike and Jill kill stuff, Volke stop briefly to open up this door. We won"t it is in looting this room, though, due to the fact that it to represent our solitary hope of probably not having actually to employ a Stupid Strategy to protect against the foe Thief. Maybe.
End of turn.
Jill is still being competent.
She certain is. (She also gets a location up in Lances)
Holy shit, woman!
The thief is with the door. We"re not going to protect against him native looting the two chests in there; we"ll just have actually to attend to him afterwards. The annoying component is that now that the door is open, the three guys in there will certainly gleefully sirloin us. Y"know, fairly than shot to safeguard the treasure from the thief.
Oh, and also two an ext assholes. Whatev"s.
Mist heals, and also holy shit. She has the greatest base protect against of anyone on our team
This priest doesn"t seem to desire to run away, so Volke nabs us a cost-free Mend staff. Mist claims thanks!
This"ll be handy... Later.
End that turn. Keep in mind Tormod draw close the former lines. Tormod is crucial to mine plans.
It begins. Believe it or not, nothing rather happens this adversary Phase.
We move Tormod really exactly come this spot.
Volke passes the time with part Priest-murdering.
Right. Right here goes.
Devdan moves on up, yet doesn"t strike us. If girlfriend don"t understand who Devdan will and won"t attack, this mission gets a lot of scarier 보다 it needs to be.
There"s the 2nd treasure.
And there"re some adversaries moving up.
First thing we want is to have Tormod talk to Devdan.
Wha-what room you doing, old man? Don"t startling me favor that. Devdan is no old man. Devdan was imprisoned because that looking in ~ the lovely flower garden. The punishment because that trespassing is come work right here for a solitary year... There is no pay, unfortunately. For free? Oh, I understand all about that! Well, it"s time to fight back! C"mon! we came below to aid you out! Fight with us! gain your freedom back! you speak oddly, however if you aid me, then Devdan claims thank you. Devdan is polite and well mannered!As you"re probably now figuring out (or probably sooner if you assumed to check the Conversation ar of the unit list and figure out the link in between the human being who have the right to talk come Devdan), Devdan doesn"t hit children, so any of the younger members of ours team have the right to recruit him. I"ll tack the various other conversations ~ above the end of this update.
Devdan is presented together an alternative take top top Nephenee; stronger, however slower. He"s definitely got a strength advantage, yet sadly, Neph"s obtained him gambling in every little thing else other than luck. Topping this all off is that Devdan is 4 levels previous promotion and also Nephenee is 4 levels prior to promotion, so make of this what friend will.He brings us a heavy Spear (which is basically an Armorslayer, other than it"s a lance), and he"s gained the Serenity skill for suppression of Biorhythm effects.
Our following intermediate trouble on the method to handling the theif is this guy, who used to be in the treasure room however is currently loose. Through some creative movements, us can deal with him, however.
Step one: obtain Devdan a weapon that doesn"t neutralize his AS.
Jill pokes a Myrmidon and also flies away. Jill"s had good luck dodging so far, but I don"t feel prefer relying on the in order to resolve Archers.
Devdan finishes stated Myrmidon.
Finally, Ike moves up.
Then, for an excellent measure, Volke and Mia support Soren right into support range.
End of turn. That thief is going to do one of two things; he"s one of two people going come run in the direction of us (and the treasure), which is good, or in the direction of the exit, i beg your pardon is really very bad, and might not have actually involved virtually getting Tormod eliminated if I"d considered the opportunity earlier.
Like there was any kind of doubt; he"s going for the exit. Fuck.
Meanwhile, Nephenee, Astrid and also Makalov are managing the asshole Soldiers.
By which i of course median "the Soldiers space attacking Makalov".
Devdan eats a fight from Killer Bow man. He would"ve endured a crit, in any kind of case. Devdan is, in ~ least, helpful for stuffing Killer weapons as result of his high-ish Luck, for this reason that"s something.
And the Myrmidon goes for Ike. Riiiiight.
Now, it"s our turn, and also we"ve obtained some mindful moves to make, but first, let"s go earlier to this corner.
Bow knight crits would have been much much more awesome if IntSys had identified how to acquire the camera come pan up slightly so the speed Of Awesomeness could"ve been framed appropriately.
It"s a solid level and I approve.
Neph it s okay a 2nd Soldier and also Makalov moves forward come tank the following two.
Now, over here, us employ Ike to kill Killer Bow guy...
Volke to death the Myrmidon...
...Thank you, Volke...
...Soren to death the Soldier...
...and Jill because that the remaining Archer.
And currently it"s time because that the AI"s lopsided top priorities to save our asses indigenous resetting. Devdan moves over here and also unequips his weapon.
Tormod moves next to him.The Soldier by the exit and the Thief, between them, have exactly sufficient Atk to death Tormod. However, the Soldier won"t be able to resist attacking Devdan, that won"t counterattack, so once the thef moves, Tormod won"t it is registered as an OHKO possibility. Short version, we"ve regulated to pen the theif in so we have the right to stop him escaping v our loot.Enemy turn:
Ike dodges arrows.
Makalov bring away hits.
Makalov FUCKS UP my PLANS.
Played choose a fool.For part reason, the thef didn"t even assault anyone; he simply stood there. Not gonna complain.
Jill weakens the Soldier and also Tormod take away the kill.
Ike provides a begin on the push towards the boss. The misses the 2nd hit, though, so we send Soren come clean up.Here"s a demonstrate of Crit-Protection Bonds.
Here"s Soren attacking this Sniper indigenous Not-Standing-Next-To-Ike. Keep in mind the Crit chance.
And here"s the same strike from alongside Ike. That"s seriously handy!
So is this!
Next turn, mister adversary Thief. Next. Turn.
Alright, Makalov. Here"s your opportunity to it is in forgiven.
That"s it. You"re fired.
Once again, Astrid cleans increase Makalov"s chaos for him.
Enemy turn, and also a very silly Myrmidon obstacles Ike come an Iron blade fight. He loses.
Right. Let"s finally resolve this fucker.
Enemy theif will always drop the first item lock steal, for this reason if you want to recover much more than one point from lock you need to steal it back yourself. Also, fortunately, this isn"t the old Fire Emblem thefts System, for this reason you have the right to steal weapons, etc, just as long as her Thief has enough Strength.
Congratulations, ns now have no more need to save you alive!
Also nice! Bolting is our first Siege Tome; they"re an extremely powerful, an extremely heavy, and, oh, yeah, they have 3-10 range. That"s nice awesome! Sadly, they only have five uses, for this reason you"d better use them well.
Neph gets this meh level from death the critical Asshole Reinforcement.
While Jill choose up Volke and carries him earlier to the critical treasure room, Soren and Muarim prepare to attract out some adversaries from the boss room.
It works.
Sadly, there"s an foe priest here.
So we maul that a 2nd time, climate send in Astrid.
We put Ward ~ above Soren prior to sending the in here. It"s beautiful.
So is this timely crit.
This awesome accessory will nullify any bonus damages that may have actually been done to that user. It have the right to most generally be discovered equipped ~ above Jill or Marcia, although part laguz deserve to make great use of it too.
Soren"s rampage continues.
Makalov: can"t even double a Priest.
Mia (with Pure Water) comes in to help.
Goddamnit, Makalov, you"re infecting my team.
Very soon...
Only the boss and one mage is left.
The one staying mage picks a fight through Soren. The does.
Last item! Let"s end up this damn mission.The boss:
Moderately dangerous, yet nothing us can"t handle. The Spear (B-Rank) is the following step increase from the brief Spear, so, 1-2 range, and also a great bit that damage.
We open with Muarim...
And close v Soren.
Bit late for that, buddy. By means of recompense, he drops his Spear together with his worthless life.
And this, ns guess.
We room so done here.
continue to be away native me, friend filthy fat man! ... Urgh!
I will certainly not offer you up. Nobody shall take you native me... Though the price may be mine life, ns will never ever cooperate v you!
... Are you in here?
Ah! You... You"re the Serenes--Are girlfriend unharmed? We have actually come to aid you. Her injury... Go that guy do that to you?
stay back! But... Do not method me! Cursed human!---
Ah, grasp Ike. The is an excellent to watch you well. Just how went the mission? Did friend unearth any meaningful proof? wherein is the apostle? grasp Ike? I have to speak through the apostle. Where is she? Apostle Sanaki is in the garden, having actually a satisfied conversation v Princess Elincia. I will go directly and see if she will satisfy with you. Please wait here. In the garden? Great.
every one of it. I want to hear every one of it... Now! What space you talk about?
What? understand Ike? W-what happened twenty years ago?---
yet that... Together a thing... Apostle Sanaki... Call me. The is a very... Challenging problem... Hmm... Just how to send this tale...
that being so, ns would open up with what is commonly known the the matter. Execute you uncover this acceptable? and also you are? he is a friend of mine. Nasir, if you understand something, I would certainly hear it. When you space done, the apostle have the right to clarify. Agreed? Hmmm...
that was two decades ago... One year after the explanation of emancipation to be made. The leader at the time was the Apostle Misaha, who was an ext adored by the public than any apostle before... Or since. Once she to be assassinated, the citizenry to be wracked with grief. All of Begnion despaired.
In the twinkling of an eye, the rumor spread throughout the Begnion capital. One night shortly thereafter, the happened. The citizens prospered violent. They massed at the leaf of Serenes Forest, home of their claimed enemy, and collection it to burn. The crowd raged top top for three nights, and in the end, the heron clan to be lost. Yet their joining was simply a rumor... Wasn"t it? Why, why go they... Oh, the shame of it... Apostle? The remainder of the story is yours. Girlfriend stand as the empress that Begnion. You are responsible for the plot of your citizens, space you not?
The assassination the the apostle was not the work-related of the Serenes clan? that is correct. The heron clan own no fighting skills. Your tribe made it through by life a life that peace and also piety within their forest. Unlike various other laguz, castle never concentrated on occurring their stamin for the objectives of combat. Anyone with any type of knowledge the laguz would have known together a thing. In ~ the really least, the citizens of Begnion would have actually known this. However, they had lost their leader, and also in your grief, they cared tiny for the truth. They to be merely looking for some method to vent your rage and despair. Isn"t that true... Apostle?
It"s all right, Princess Elincia. He speaks the truth, it is in it through a sharpened tongue or no. Ike, the bird tribes of Phoenicis target only Begnion ships through their piracy. The ravens of Kilvas room after cargo, and so they attack everyone v equal vigor. The hawk clans, however, hold the heron clan together brethren... And still mental the false accusations. And their brutal murder. The heron in ~ Oliver"s mansion... He slapped mine hand away as soon as I tried to aid him. He had such hate in his eyes. Once he leapt from the window, he spoke to me.
together needless pain... It might sound like utter hypocrisy, but my world regret deeply the action of that horrific night. We stole the heron clan from this world... Every time we view the blackened forest, our grave sin comes ago to haunt us. Apostle... You room honorable. The majority of the senators have actually done their ideal to banish all memory of the Serenes and also that night. However you have resisted. That is her intent, is the not? You are not favor them... You room attempting come take obligation for the plot of the people. To undo the wrong of the past, you released your very own investigation right into the laguz emancipation issue. You"ve also gone therefore far regarding hire outsiders prefer Ike and his mercenaries to expose the problem, haven"t you? ... Princess Elincia? Yes? ns would choose once an ext to make use of your escorts. Would certainly you grant me this boon? the course! Er, the is... If Ike and also his group agree, I have no objection to your proposal. Relies on what friend want. The member that the heron clan friend met...
If that is your wish, we will do it. In any case, we let the monster Oliver slip through our grasp. We"ll take care of both tasks at the same time.
Goddamn Thief.---
Lv 4 HalberdierHP: 36 (75%) Spd: 13 (35%)Str: 14 (60%) Lck: 16 (40%)Mag: 7 (30%) Def: 11 (45%)Skl: 15 (40%) Res: 10 (25%)Move: 7 Con: 12 Wt: 16Equip: Lances (B)Skill: SerenityHe"s favor Nephenee, just not! His main and also most obvious benefit is of food in Strength and also Defence, in i m sorry he has actually quite acceptable bases and growths. He"s also got rather a bit of Luck. Wherein he lacks is, the course, Speed, and growing room.That said, though, his growths room pretty good! He"s gained 25% or more in every single one, return one can wonder if that really requirements 30% Magic. There"s an dispute for Devdan being many correctly being taken into consideration not a slower version of Nephenee, but a quicker version of Gatrie (plus v Resistance!), albeit one through a somewhat lower starting Defence.I guess the biggest difficulty with Devdan is the no one ever before seems quite sure where to ar him or what to do with him. Yet I"m certain he"d revolve out yes if you provided him a chance!---Devdan has five different recruitment conversations. We"ve watched Tormod"s already; below are the various other four: Uh-oh. This won"t do. Youngsters like you aren"t supposed to it is in fighting, you know? Who, who space you? Aren"t you one of the guards? Devdan is no a guard, tiny one. Devdan to be looking in ~ the pretty garden and also was captured. The punishment for trespassing is to work for a year without pay... That provides Devdan upset! Well, that doesn"t it seems to be ~ fair. Yet there"s no require for friend to just accept such injustice. The owner of this place, fight it out Tanas, is maintaining innocent laguz as slaves. He"s a very bad man. Mmm... The is no acceptable. Devdan cannot forgive such callous and unjust actions. So, why don"t you come with us then? Let"s go and teach the negative guys a lesson together! the is a well idea. Let united state make this battle each other Tanas pay! Uh-oh. This won"t do. Youngsters prefer you aren"t supposed to it is in fighting, girlfriend know? Huh? Uh, who space you, sir? Sir? Ho! Devdan is no knight! Devdan is simply a straightforward man who was imprisoned because that looking at the flower garden. The punishment to be to work below for an entire year...without pay, unfortunately. Is that so? that doesn"t it seems to be ~ fair. This sad people knows little of "fair," walk it? now tell me, young one, what space you doing here? Um, well...there"s a laguz birdman being organized captive here. I come to help him. Fight it out Tanas is a poor man that keeps laguz as slaves. That"s why mine friends and I are here to stop him! Slaves? that is no acceptable! Devdan cannot pardon such callous and unjust actions! In the case, you should join up and assist us cost-free them! Mmm... A well idea! Devdan is ever on the next of justice. Uh-oh. This won"t do. Youngsters choose you aren"t an alleged to it is in fighting, friend know? What to be that? and who room you supposed to be? Devdan is not an alleged to be anyone. Devdan to be imprisoned because that looking in ~ the flower garden. The punishment for trespassing is to work below for whole year... Without pay, unfortunately. And then? room you informing me this so the I will let you go? A moment! Wait a moment. Devdan does no fight children. If that"s true, climate why no switch sides and also join us? If you end up being a member the the Greil Mercenaries, we would certainly pay girlfriend for your services. That would be an honor! Please, permit Devdan to sign up with you! our contract is complete then. I will pass follow me the terms of the agreement to our commander, Ike. Now then, I mean you to execute your best. Understood. Devdan is a really hard worker. Uh-oh. This won"t do. Youngsters favor you aren"t an alleged to it is in fighting, you know? and also you are? that is Devdan? Devdan is Devdan. Devdan to be imprisoned for looking at the lovely flower garden. The punishment for trespassing is come work here for a single year... Without pay, unfortunately. Is the so... That"s as well bad, yet I"ve acquired a job to do. A sad story won"t make me continue to be my blade! A moment! Wait a moment. Devdan does not fight children. Hmm... In the case, friend should sign up with us. That way, we deserve to take treatment of this there is no me death you. Understood. Devdan is a friend to young world everywhere.Refreshingly, all these conversations space actually a little bit different. Girlfriend watching this, Gatrie?---Next Time: do you like long missions?