When fixing word difficulties involving continuous integers, it’s vital to psychic that we are looking for integers that are one unit apart.

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So if we have n as the an initial integer, then n + 1 will certainly be the 2nd integer, n + 2 will certainly be the third integer, n + 3 will be the fourth, n + 4 will be the fifth, and also so on.


Let’s take because that example: 15, left( 15 + 1 ight), left( 15 + 2 ight), left( 15 + 3 ight), left( 15 + 4 ight)

Our results come increase to: 15,,16,,17,,18,,19

When handling consecutive integers, an alert that the difference between the larger and also smaller integers is constantly equal come 1.

Observe the following:

left( n + 1 ight) - left( n ight) = n + 1 - n = n - n + 1 = 1left( n + 2 ight) - left( n + 1 ight) = n + 2 - n - 1 = n - n + 2 - 1 = 1left( n + 3 ight) - left( n + 2 ight) = n + 3 - n - 3 = n - n + 3 - 2 = 1left( n + 4 ight) - left( n + 3 ight) = n + 4 - n - 3 = n - n + 4 - 3 = 1

Examples of solving the amount of continuous Integers

Example 1: The amount of 3 consecutive integers is 84. Discover the three consecutive integers.

The very first step to resolving word difficulties is to find out what piece of info are obtainable to you.

For this problem, the complying with facts space given:

We require to include three integers that are consecutive The numbers space one unit apart from each various other Each number is one an ext than the previous numberThe amount of the continually integers is 84

With this facts in ~ hand, we can now collection up to stand for our three consecutive integers.

Let n be our an initial integer. Therefore,


We’re currently ready to compose our equation. Remember that us are given the sum, therefore we will be adding our three consecutive integers.


Let’s proceed and also solve the equation.


Now the we have the worth for the change “n, we deserve to use this to determine the 3 consecutive integers.


Finally, let’s do a quick check to make sure that the amount of the consecutive integers 27, 28, 29 is without doubt 84 as given in our original problem.

Example 2: discover four consecutive integers whose amount is 238.

To start, let’s walk ahead and determine the crucial facts that are given in this problem.

We will be including four successive integers The adjacent integers space one unit apartThe amount of the four consecutive integers is 238

The following step is to represent the four consecutive integers making use of the change “n“.

Let n be the first integer. Since the 4 integers are consecutive, this method that the second integer is the first integer raised by 1 or n + 1. In the very same manner, the third integer can be stood for as n + 2 and the fourth integer as n + 3.

We have the right to then interpret “the sum of 4 consecutive integers is 238” into an equation.

Solve the equation:

Example 4: The amount of 3 consecutive integers is - ,90. What is the largest integer?

This a type of trouble where you have to be careful. Most of the time, we are just asked to find the consecutive integers which as soon as added, must give the specified sum. In this case, however, we no only have to uncover the three consecutive integers but additionally determine which amongst the three integers is the largest. Dominion of thumb is to always read the trouble carefully and pay close attention to what is asked.

No matter exactly how straightforward a difficulty is, it’s still an excellent practice to constantly identify what facts are obtainable to you. Think of these piece of details as your compass mirroring you directions on just how to solve the problem.

What we know:

We will be adding three integers that room consecutive we should gain a amount of - ,90 when we add the 3 integersThe consecutive or nearby integers only differ by one unitIt is likely that we will be handle with an unfavorable integers

Proceed through representing the continuous integers.

Let extbf extitn, extbf extitn+1 and extbf extitn+2 be the three consecutive integers.

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Now, let’s create the equation by translating the math sentence, “the amount of 3 consecutive integers is - ,90” and also solve because that n.

Since n = - ,31, then the three consecutive integers are - ,31, - ,30, and - ,29.