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You are watching: 2003 ford ranger 3.0 firing order


So according to mine Haynes hand-operated the engine cylinder numbers walk 123 from front of the engine compartment ago on the passenger side, and also 456 ~ above the driver side. The hand-operated says the cylinders correspond v the coil load 123 from front to ago on the passenger side, and also 564 on the driver. Yet my truck has constantly been hooked up through 123 on the driver side and also 465 on the other side instead of 564. Has actually anyone else viewed anything like this? i tried connecting my wires the means the hand-operated says but the van wouldnt even run. Hand-operated my enginecoil engine coil engine34 36 53 "26 25 62 "15 14 41 " FRONT

the diagram ns tried to do didnt come the end well. Imagine those numbers as 3 columns, each column made up of 3 to adjust of 2 numbers. The first column is the diagram of the coil in mine manual, the 2nd column is the engine cylinder order, and the last pillar is the means my coil fill is set up
Thanks! ns hooked increase my van in this fashion and also it finally got rid of my misfire. Why would certainly the haynes manual show the wires collection up together if the coil was turned 180 levels around? has anyone rather noticed this discrepancy?
On older van the coil is turned around 180 degrees, the snapshot in the manual is because that older trucks. BTW if girlfriend clean off the coil they room marked.
I was simply going come ask this question, but decided to look first. Many thanks a many N20-3.0 for the pic. That is a life saver. I had my wires walking 456 top top the coil. Now I recognize I must switch the two. The pic will assist me placed my vacuum hose and also heater hoses in, together there were once built.^bump

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