How To convert Fresh Herb come Dried Herbs

Let me begin by saying, I shot to usage fresh herbs over dried herbs as much as humanly possible. We prosper fresh herbs in the spring and also throughout the summer and also many of castle last through the fall and some right right into winter.

You are watching: 1/2 cup fresh cilantro to dried

If we don’t have actually them in the backyard, they room easy sufficient to discover at the supermarket yet can get incredibly expensive certain times of the year therefore if friend only require a little of a certain herb because that a recipe, be sure to incorporate it in something rather you room preparing. If every else fails, do a soup or stew and use up some of those herbs.


How Fresh space Your Dried Herbs?

One reason I don’t like using dried herbs is I never ever know exactly how long they’ve been in the spice cabinet. As a basic rule, soil spices and also herb leaves will be thought about “fresh” if save in optimal conditions for 1 to 2 years.

I know some the the freckles jars in my pantry room as old as my kids, well perhaps not that old, but they execute tend to get lost and also unused specifically those method in the back.

And what about when you purchase a brand-new container yet feel favor you have to wait till you complete the enlarge jar even if the spices in it space flavorless? I intend we should all use a irreversible marker and also date the jars as quickly as we acquisition them or put a litter out day on them but then just how do we know just how long they’ve been in some storage facility or on the supermarket shelves?

How perform we really know just how much shelf life is left in ours seasonings?

Personally, ns don’t think us do, so i suggest before you start food preparation a enjoy the meal that calls for dried herbs, you first check your spice cabinet to make sure you have what girlfriend need and also then give them a rapid sniff and also then taste to make certain they are fresh enough to use.

If they don’t taste together potent as you like, you may need come add an ext than dubbed for to consist of for the difference.

Ratios for Converting new Herbs to dry Herbs come Ground Herbs

All friend Really need to Know around Converting new Herbs to dried Herbs

The general ascendancy for dried “flaky” herbs favor dried cilantro or dried tarragon is 3 come 1 or three parts fresh to one component dried. Girlfriend can likewise look in ~ this as

1 tablespoon fresh herbs = 1 teaspoon dried herbs

If you space working v dried soil herbs choose ground ginger which is going to it is in even an ext potent 보다 the dried flaky herbs, the general ratio is 4 come 1 or four components fresh to one part dried.

Another basic rule:

1 teaspoon dried leaf herb = 1/2 teaspoon soil dried herb

Why this Ratios?

If you’re wonder why you need so much much more fresh herbs contrasted to dried herbs, you need to remember the fresh herbs favor basil and also parsley are 80% come 90% water. In the dry process, the water it s okay evaporated leaving very potent important oils with an ext concentrated seasonings than your fresh counterparts.

When you talk about herbs choose rosemary and also thyme with even harder leaves 보다 something favor a basil, the strongness of flavor have the right to be also greater therefore be cautious when including these dried flavors to a dish.

Exceptions to the Rule

Like everything in life, there are always exceptions to my general rules above. For example, you would certainly substitute 1 new bay sheet for 2 dried or 1 medium onion because that 1 teaspoon onion powder. Both basil and parsley surprised me v a 2 come 1 fresh to dried.

I walk a find on the net to check out what I can find for these conversions and came up through this chart. Over there was nobody consensus in between all the sites, yet this need to be a good start to occupational with till you come up with your own ratios.

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Print & Save

There’s no method I’m going come remember all these conversions therefore I’ll do a copy that the chart below and print it out then tape it come the within of one of my room doors therefore it’s handy once I require it. It sit right next to my Meat Doneness Chart.

Herb FreshCorresponding Dried
Basil2 teaspoons finely chopped1 teaspoon dried
Bay Leaf1 sheet fresh2 leaves dried
Chervil3 teaspoons fresh1 tespoon dried
Cilantro3 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Cinnamon1 cinnamon stick1/2 tespoon ground
Cumin4.5 tablespoons entirety seed4 TBS floor (1 oz.)
Dill3 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Garlic (large)1 clove fresh (1.5 tsp minced)1/2 teaspoon powder
Garlic (small)1 clove new (1/2 tsp minced)1/8 teaspoon powder
Ginger1 tablespoon freshly grated1/4 teaspoon dried ground
Ginger1 tablespoon minced1/2 teaspoon dry ground
Marjoram3 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Onion1 medium onion1 tespoon onion powder
Oregano3 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Parsley2 teaspoons fresh1 tespoon dried
Rosemary3 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Sage2 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Star Anise1 star anise fresh1/2 teaspoon anise seed
Tarragon3 teaspoons fresh1 tespoon dried
Thyme3 teaspoons fresh1 teaspoon dried
Thyme1 teaspoon dried3/4 teaspoons ground
Vanilla1 customs vanilla bean1 teaspoon extract

Other important Ingredient Conversions